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I sit on my bed, My hair flashing from grey to yellow, then to black. I didn't want to go to school, they wouldn't understand.

There is a soft knock at my door. I was expecting Mum, Dad, James or Zahara. "Come in." I call out softly. But it wasn't any of those four. It was Remus. He shyly walks in, shutting the door behind him. "You, you're Remus, right?" I ask with a small frown. "Yeah. Obviously, you're Emma." He chuckles. A small smile blinks onto my face before disappearing. He awkwardly sits down on the edge of my bed. "You okay?" He asks.

Oh, just dandy. "I'm fine." I snap, but eralise how rude I was. "I'm sorry." I sigh, waving my wand. A block of white chocolate flies towards me. I open it up, nibbling at the corner glumly. It was extremely awkward.

"It's alright..." I could feel Remus eyeing my chocolate, and I laugh. "Want some?"

Remus nods eagerly, and honestly it was nothing but cute. I bite my lip, and I could feel the twinkle in my eyes. I snap half of the block off, handing it to Remus. His eyes light up, like a small child at a Chocolate shop.

We both eat the chocolate, occasionally cracking a joke out of nowhere. It ended with a headache and fading laughter. "Thanks." We say in unison. "You first-"

Remus' mouth stretches into a smile. "Thank you, Remus. For making me laugh." I say after my laughing fit. "Thank you, Emma for actually laughing at my bad jokes." Remus says with humour. "What?! Your jokes are hilarious!" I protest, crossing my arms. Remus raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

I blush from embarrassment and run out the door. Remus was full on laughing, as I bolted away.

Though suddenly, I collapse to the floor. I Frown, watching as everything went blurry. A vision flew through my mind as I was deaf and blinded.


"Quomodo cor tuum quasi...." A boy says to what I think is me, laying in a bed with cuts, bruises and huge gashes all over my body. A tear falls from the boy's eyes. "Amavit cor mea?" He whispers. He spoke to me in Latin. "You loved that part of that song. I remember that." The boy smiles weakly. "I'm so sorry, Vespere...." He begins to cry, and holds my hand to his face.

I don't move, only breathing every few seconds. "Te amo, Emma."


I gasp, my eyes flying open.


"Emma!" Zahara slaps me. "Ow, Jesus Nox!" I hiss, holding my cheek. "Well, it's your fault for not waking up." She sasses. I roll my eyes, leaning against the wall.

Was that Remus?



Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora