Prolouge: How It All Started.

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Let me tell you a story, it is about a Vampire and her lover.

Once upon a time, there was a Hunter and his love, a crossbreed of a Vampire and a Demon.
~Hunter's POV~
More and more Level Es come up trying to kill me for my 'special hunter' blood.

I slashed one of them across the chest creating a deep wound.

His blood gushed out as the some Level Es turned to him and ran to him and started to suck him dry.

I feel bad for them, they had a good life as a human before they encountered a Pureblood Vampire that twisted their whole destiny turning them into blood-sucking beasts

I killed off the remaining Level Es and walked into an abandoned building.

"La la la, please someone set me free from this prison.."

I heard beautiful singing and followed the direction where it came from.

"Please, someone.."

I saw a beautiful brunette lady on a balcony singing a song about needing someone to set her free.


Oops, I knocked down a table lamp..

She turned around and stared at me her mouth slightly agape.

"W-who are you and how did you get here?" She asked me stuttering slightly.

"The name's Kaien Cross, I was sent here by the Vampire Hunting Council to hunt down Level Es." I said taking off my mocha-coloured hat and tipped it and bowed at the same time.

"O-oh." She muttered her fringe covering her azure-coloured eyes.

"Are you imprisoned here?" I asked referring to the song she sang earlier.

"W-well by someone no, by my own choice yes.." She replied quietly blushing remembering the song she sang.

Her eyes flashed crimson red for a second and turned back to her normal azure blue colour.

"Oh, so you're a Vampire." I said looking at her.

"Y-yes, please don't kill me!" She pleaded looking very scared of me as she shut her eyes, waiting for her death.

I chuckled causing her to open her eyes wide.

"I'm not here to kill you miss, I'm here to execute those Level Es which have been killing many innocent people and I've happened to finish our battle here." I told her smiling slightly.

"A-ah okay.." She said softly standing properly.

"Y-yes.. Mr. Cross.. I've imprisoned myself here for as long as I can remember and hid my scent from the other Vampires.." She told me softly hiding her hands behind her back as she answered my question from earlier.

"May I ask why? If you don't mind I mean." I questioned her curious why such a strong-looking yet fragile acting Vampire would imprison herself here.

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