If you can't say it then show it

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Barbara's POV

Did you ever got that feeling when you really, really want to say sorry to someone but you can't say so 'coz you are afraid that he might ignore you and your efforts are going to be wasted? Like, sorry is not just a five letter word spoken to someone just to make the feeling of the offender better. It is a five letter word that should be said to someone when you really,really..REALLY mean it.

It's been two fucking long days and still Nathan hasn't spoken to me. He still is annoyed with the little prank that I did to him. It was suppose to be a joke but I guess things got out of hand. I know that's my fault but I really don't know how to say to Nathan that I am sorry and it's hard for me to say sorry coz I have that fear.

I walked down the stairs and proceed to the kitchen and I caught Nathan eating his cereal meal. I sat in the opposite side, facing him but he seems to still be ignoring me. He's not even looking at me! He's just staring at his meal and eating without any care. 


He ignored me.

"Nathan...." I mumbled. Nathan stood up, went to the sink and washed his bowl and his spoon. After that, he went straightly to his room without even saying "hi" Damnit! He's still mad. I don't know what to do in situations like this! 


I decided to go out and buy some items for my special treat. If I can't say to Nathan how sorry I am, at least I can still show him how sorry I am right. I took the bicycle and drove off to the store. Its been a while since I was here and I was in my shopping mode. I decided to go to the "Fruit Ninja" section or what you call the fruit section. And yes, I give nicknames to all the section in the market.

Don't blame me, I'm outrageous! 

I decide to make a banana cake and a sweet apple pie as peace offering for Nathan. I hope he likes pies and cakes coz I love making them. Its feels like I have this special talent for baking. 


Nathan's POV

I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed. As much as I like Barbara, that prank that she did to me was a bitch move and it could have cost me my life! I might die from the extreme spice from my mouth. It's been two days since I last to talk to her and I'm still not in the mood of talking to her. If she would just say sorry then everything will be fine again. Just a simple "I'm so sorry Nathan. I'm a bitch and I'm really sorry" would fix everything.

I went down stairs and I saw Barbara doing something. I swear, I was fucking curious of what's she's doing but I won't ask her. It's more of a pride-thing like its her fault and she should be the one to start connecting. I grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and immediately went to the couch to watch some action. WooHoo!!!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Barbara screamed. I still ignored her. I'm sure this is one of her crazy antics. 

"Nathan! Nathan! A little help please!" Barbara screamed but I still ignored her.

"Nathan! Naaaaaattthhhhaaaannnn!!!!! Help me!" again, Barbara screamed. This time I felt like somethings up so I immediately ran towards the kitchen. SHIT! The stove is burning!  The fucking stove is fucking burning due to Barbara. I immediately took some cloth and placed it on the burning stove. Minutes later, the fire was out! I was very happy that the fire is out. 

Out of nowhere, Barbara started crying. It's not tears of joy but its real tears. I don't know why but there was this cringy feeling from inside of me that is telling me that I should comfort her. Unvoluntarily, I found myself wrapping my arms around Barbara's body. 

"Ssshhh....don't cry now. Crying is not suitable for you." I whispered to her ears.

"You're not mad anymore?" Barbara asked still crying heavily. Its like someone important to her died. 

"I was not mad, I was just annoyed by you." I replied putting a smile on my face.

"Now, why are you crying? Did something happened?" I added.

"It's nothing. It's pathetic. I'm pathetic." she answered frowning. She seemed very sad about what happened.

"C'mon, tell me! That's what friends are for. You can say anything to me. I won't judge. I promise." I assured her raising my right hand.

"You know that we were having that cold war." she mumbled.

"Yea..what about that?" I asked.

"You see, I felt really, really...like fuckily sad about what happened and I know that all of that was my fucking fault and I am fuck..I don't know how to say this.....fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck. "




"Okay, I'm ready, I wanted to say that...." she added.

"Lemme me guess, you are really sorry about what happened. You are really really sorry about what you did."

"Anndd...." she mumbled.

"And you are a bitch. I know that already." I replied.

"And...I was making this banana cake as peace offering but suddenly, a fire started and my cake was burned and I panicked and....I'm such a failure." she declared crying heavily again. 

"Sssshhhh. C'mon Bee, don't cry. I appreciate that you made an effort and I thank you for that coz that shows to me how much you care about our friendship. Thank you for that. And please, you are not a failure! You are far from being a failure! You are perfect. You are perfectly beautiful." I said wrapping again my arms around her body.

"Nathan, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry and I know I'm a bitch but really, I am so sorry. I miss you."

"I miss you too, Bee." I replied.

"Cmon, we can still make something out of these, right?" I asked.

"You can help me make some apple pies." she smiled. Suddenly, I felt that cringy feeling again. That feeling inside that feels like you're about to throw up. I found myself smiling back at her. That beautiful smile that makes me feel like I'm in cloud nine. 

"C'mon, let's make pies." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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How to Cope with a Broken Heart: A Nathan Sykes and Barbara Palvin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now