The Cabin part 1/2

Start from the beginning

"Beckett?" he said in an asking tone, like he couldn't believe the called ID was right.

I quickly sat the phone towards my ear to be able to hear his sweet voice. He was okay. He wasn't shot. But I still couldn't see him, and the panic was still all over me.

"Hello? Kate? You there?" he asked and I opened my mouth.

"I'm sor-sorry, I shouldn't have called" I excused myself in a hoarse voice, realizing I hadn't talked in a while.

"No no problem! It's nice to finally hear your voice again... How are you?" he asked after I didn't answer on his first statement.

"I'm fine" I lied but somehow I knew he wouldn't believe me.

"Kate" I heard him sigh, confirming my thoughts. "You can tell me, you don't always have to be strong. It's okay to not be okay" he said with a smooth voice.

I breathed harder and was sure he could hear the panic attack I was feeling. I heard him shuffle around in his loft.

"I'm just... I feel so lonely" I confessed in a whisper.

I didn't know why I told him, it just felt right. It felt right to have someone to talk to. And knowing he at least had feelings for me five weeks ago I felt okay with letting him in some more.

"Where are you? I can be there as fast as you need me to be" he offered and I suddenly felt a strange warm feeling go through my heart.

Before I knew it I had told him where I was and how he could get here without driving into too much traffic. He told me he would be here soon, told me to keep safe and try to keep calm as he would have to hung up to drive. I promised I wouldn't do anything stupid while I waited for him, and I felt a lot better. Though it wasn't all gone yet, somehow it felt like I would never ever be complete, no matter what I did. Almost as if that shot was a wakening telling me I would never be fine. Not even once. I suddenly remembered my tears and how sweaty I had been only a couple hours ago when I had waken up and I quickly jumped to my feet. I went into the cabin again towards the bathroom, without hesitating I jumped into the shower and let the water run down my body washing of the sweat and tears. Only five minutes after I had jumped in I went out of the shower and dried my body before I put on some more acceptable clothes Castle could see me him. I hid my scar, making sure the long sleeved shirt covered it so not even Castle would be able to see it. Once I was done I jumped surprised when I heard the door bell to the cabin. It couldn't be him already could it? Could it really had taken him that little amount of time? I went to the door but before I got there I took out my gun from a drawer just to be secure if it was someone else behind the door. I looked through the peephole and to my relief the man of my deep dreams stood there, looking quite nervous. I put away my gun and unlocked the door before I carefully opened it, not knowing how I should act around him.

"Hey" he said as he laid his eyes on me.

"Hi" I whispered and I stared into his eyes for a couple of minutes before I closed our eye contact by opening the door more and moving to let him inside.

"Thanks" he said as he passed me and I closed the door only to lock it again.

We were quiet and I walked towards the small living room in the cabin where there had always been a cozy fire before my mother passed. We sat down on the floor and I saw Castle eyeing the open fire area with interested eyes.

"You know, if you want to, I could set up a fire. It's not weird you feel lonely in this cold" he suggested and when I didn't answer he looked at me questioningly.

I only nodded and he immediately stood up and put som of the old wood into the fire place. Without much effort he managed to start a fire and I felt the warmth spread around the room in an instant. He sat down on the floor facing me again and to my surprise he took out a box of chocolate from the backpack he had taken with him inside.

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