Chapter 3

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Morgentus entered the chamber of his prince. The remains of the once powerful ruler still lay on the slab, oozing black blood. The sacerdos chained to it had passed out, the thread of his life flickering. Belial used what he could of this man, but another offering was needed. Morgentus set the tabernacle between the prince's feet. The blood pooled around it and the glow of the atman grew brighter as they gave up their energy. Morgentus chuckled and went to the dried-up human. He wrenched the bio vessel arm free of the restraints, tearing the flesh and breaking bones. The old man was spent to the point that he did not make a sound at the wounding. Morgentus dragged him aside, leaving a trail of blood through the dust. He let him fall against the flat stones and lie in a heap, giving a disgusted frown. It wasn't even worth digging through the remains to find the atman.

Morgentus returned to the bier again. The features on the detached head appeared pleased. He healed nicely, though slowly. These four trapped souls would help. A tremor upset the air. Morgentus's eyes searched the shadows. He listened to the whispers.

Motioning to Segrius, Morgentus called his underling to him from the shadow of the doorway. Segrius skulked into the room. Gnashing his teeth and tasting the air, he sought out the intruders who came to feast on the weakened prince. Morgentus waited until the serpent drew near enough.

"Have your soldiers watch the prince's keep. Tell them not to venture to this tower unless something threatens him. They are to discipline any who dare feed here," Morgentus instructed.

"Yes, Baron," Segrius hissed.

"He's weak, but don't be fools. He'll make you his supper before you take one sip of his blood," Morgentus said.

The shade set his claw hands on the edge of the bier and regarded the prince. Morgentus waved him back, threatening to strike. Segrius licked the blood from his hands. It was a chance placing serpents on such duty, but he had to be sure he kept Belial safe and away from help that didn't come from his baron's hand alone. The longer the prince took to heal, the better it was for the plans he forged with Prince Gediel. He knelt beside his master and touched the crown longingly. At least the soldiers he placed here weren't strong enough to harm or to destroy the prince, and they might serve as food to restore him if they ventured too close.

"My prince," Morgentus whispered. The face remained still. "I brought you the atman I promised. Take it into consideration when you wake, that I was the only one who dared to raise a hand to restore you. Where are your guardians and flatterers now?"

The air shuddered in answer. Morgentus tread close to upsetting Belial. He pushed up from the bloody bier and walked away. This much was done. Now, he meant to return to the depths of Acheron to pay his respects to the bastards that denied him his erela.

"Gather your forces and report to me at the seal," Morgentus said to the crouching minion chewing on the foot of the priest.

Segrius hissed in answer.

A cold stickiness besmeared Morgentus's hands. They were covered in blood from the bier. He licked the side of his hand with uncontrolled hunger. A flash of crimson melted the black of his eyes. For a moment, he wavered between the craving in his gut and the lust burning him black. With the power of the prince, Maiel could be his in the matter of one night on Earth. He could steal her tiny form to the depths of his labyrinth, never to be seen again.

The castle tower shook as though it would collapse. Both Morgentus and his lackey rushed from the room. A pile of rubble fell before the door, barricading the entrance. Morgentus cursed. The prince wasn't as weak as he surmised. Morgentus too quickly took for granted his state, and took no caution to guard his thoughts. Cursing, he tried the rubble blocking the door, placing his hands upon the stones to leverage them out of the way. He needed both princes on his side to achieve his goals. Belial couldn't cut him off like this, not when the plans were so tender and young.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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