We walked towards them. Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn't stop their actions which made the other students stared at them weirdly. Meanwhile, D.O looked away from the other two and muttered," Why do I hang out with this beagles?"

Jongdae and I took our seat. Chanyeol rested his chin on his palms and said," Chen, What's with the glasses?" Jongdae smiled and strike a pose as he replied," I look good, do I. Who knows glasses can complete a person's look." Baekhyun scoffed and said," Or a couple look."

D.O had enough of Baekhyun's silliness and smacked Baekhyun's head. Baekhyun leaned back and looked down as if he is reflecting on what's he have done. He does that as he knew how scary D.O is when he is annoyed.

Just then, two male students pass by as the other student stared at them by their presence. I, too, found myself staring at them.

The two Cassanovas of this school.

Tall, tanned skin, his presence itself is overflowing with charisma which make girls fall for him easily. Playboy wannabe, Kai.

Tall, pale skin, red lips which made girls go crazy by just looking at him. However, he didn't seem to be interested in girls as he always rejected those who confessed to him. Arrogant Pretty Boy, Oh Sehun.

The two most mysterious guys in this school Kai and Oh Sehun. Just then, Sehun paused for a moment as he glanced at me. Our eyes met. For a second there, it seemed time has stopped when that happens.

However, Kai came over and tapped Sehun's shoulders while looking at me before fixing his gaze on someone else. That someone is D.O. D.O returned the same gaze to Kai. Do they know each other? I was knocked out of my deep thought by Chanyeol, who's saying," D.O ah, don't tell me you like Kai?"

Baekhyun then continued," Wow, That Kai is good. He can attract guys too. Wow." D.O rested his right arm on the table and his chin on his right palm. He looked at Baekhyun and calmly said," Why? Do you like Kai? What if I say I like you?"

With that, Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol froze. They are at loss of words. D.O smiled at his success of shutting the two beagles up and  muttered," That always works."

However, D.O's smile faded as he looked at me. He said in a serious tone," Don't get your hopes up. Try not to get involve with Oh Sehun."

I smiled at him and lied," I'm not even interested in him."

I'm interested in him.

Somehow, what I think and feel is the polar opposite of what I say. I don't know why but there is something about him that attracts me, not his looks, I guess it is his aura.
Just then Jongdae leaned towards me, our faces are an inch apart. He looked at me worriedly and asked," You okay?"

Before I could answer, Baekhyun and Chanyeol stomped the table and chanted," Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss"

Thanks to that, everyone froze and stared at us. D.O sighed, took a book near by and smacked both of their heads. The two beagles complained and whinned while D.O muttered," Why do I hang out with this beagles?"

I stood up and said to Jongdae," I'm going to the washroom." Jongdae nod his head and said," Alright, be careful. Call me if you need me."

As I made my way to the bathroom, I walked through the quiet hallways. It is break time so no one would be passing through the hallways. As I was saying, I was walking when I heard a certain humming. I turned around and nothing just where is this humming coming from. I decided to quicken my pace. I soon heard footsteps behind me. Someone is following me. Someone is definitely following me. I turned to a corner. Soon, The sound of the footsteps disappeared.

Note (EXO) #FanficFrightDayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora