Chapter 49- Dil the Shadowgod.

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Taylah couldn't help them while they were in Edom. No one can. Not unless they were there and Taylah was given strict orders about going on quests herself. So, she decided to visit Amber in Alicante.

"Are you okay?" Nico asked the boy as the three walk through London, they had just gone on a small mission to find a newly Shadowgod because he was in danger.

"Erm..." His British voice showing.

"Hey," Taylah said to him. "It is totally fine not to be. A monster did almost kill you."

"Who are you two?" The boy asked. He had green eyes and brown eyes, some freckles and he was wearing a blue plaid shirt with long black jeans.

"Well, we are Gods." Nico smiled.

"You are, I am a Goddess." Taylah corrected him, "and you, Dil, are what we call a Shadowgod."

"A Shadowhunter cross Demigod? I thought all that was just a Myth?" Dil's eyes were shining bright.

"You know about Demigods and Shadowhunters?"

"Of course! I have these playing cards with the Greek Gods and these other ones with all the Nephilim angels!"

Nico smiled at that, that used to be him. When he was 12. "That is cool. I used to have the Greek set."

"Not the Angels?" Dil asked as Taylah drew a portal with her green and black stele.

"I didn't know about Shadowhunters and their angels back then." Nico says, "but turns out I was a Shadowgod and Taylah and I became the God-and Goddess-of the Nephilim."

"Oh. My. Gods!" Dil jumps and looks at the portal and stops. "Is that a portal?"

"Yes." Taylah said.

"You and I will use it to portal to Camp Half-Blood, when you get claimed and train for the Summer, you will transfer to Alicante in Idris to do Shadowhunter training for a while and then you will choose. Half-Blood or Alicante." Nico says.

"Cool, but what about Taylah?" Dil turns to Taylah who was smiling.

"I have some things to do in Alicante." She ruffles the boys hair and stands straight, "we will meet again. I am sure of it."

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