Labor: Part One

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Dedicated to @HollisterHottie for being the first to vote on the last chapter!


"Ash, my back hurts," you groan as you carry a book downstairs to the kitchen. Instantly, Ashton was at your side.

"Should I call the doctor? Is she coming now? Are the contractions starting?" he asked worriedly. You huff.

"No, Honey. It's just a cramp," you assured him. He sighed with relief and went back to making dinner. You change course and go to the living room. Anne was in there already, with a smile on her face.

"Something big is going to happen soon, I know it," she said.

"Ash is going to hurt himself with all this worrying, that's what," you shake your head. The book slipped from your hands and you squat to pick it up. A sudden pressure was building in your pelvic region, causing you to moan in discomfort.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Anne stood up. You hear a pop and then liquid ran down your legs.

"No," you whimper as she helped you stand.

"Ashton, her water broke!" she screamed. He rushed to the living room and carried you upstairs to your bedroom.

"Mum, stay with her. I'll call Dr. Keene and get a towel for her face," he said, kissing your cheek before running out of the room.


Cal's mum and sister were making lunch as he was at the studio. The baby was due two days ago but you were happy to wait. You lay on the couch watching the T.V. when a sharp pain began at the bottom of your belly and wrapped around to your back. "Mali!" you scream, tears filling your eyes.

"Y/N!" she ran in with Joy, kneeling at your side.

"It hurts," you bite your lip to hold back your shrieks of pain.

"Call Cal, Mum. We need to get her to the car," Mali took your hand and helped you stand. You hear something hit the floor and watch as a puddle formed between your feet.

"I need Calum," you whisper as you get another contraction.


You toss and turn in bed as the girls kicked tirelessly. "Babe?" Luke yawned.

"They won't sleep and it hurts, Luke," you whine.

"Maybe you shouldn't sleep in a puddle then," he groaned, turning away. You look at the wet blanket between your legs.

"Luke! My water broke!" you shake him. He sat  up and glanced at you with wide eyes.

"I don't know what to do," he whispered.

"Get us to the hospital!" you snap as the contractions start.


"Y/N, a nurse will stop in every hour to see if your contractions have started," the doctor said.

"Okay," you nod and squeeze Mikey's hand as she left.

"Boys, this is the first of many times I'll tell you this; start trouble!" your husband said, rubbing your belly. You laugh.

"Honey, it doesn't work like that," you sigh. A minute later, you feel the worst pain ever in your stomach and hips.

"Um, yes it does!" Michael triumphantly skipped into the hall to get a nurse, leaving you to scream in pain.

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