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'Harper?' Aaron called me through the phone worriedly.

'What?' I hissed.

'Were you plotting ways to murder us in our sleep now or something?' He asked and I could hear someone laugh in the background.

'Maybe I was, why?' I asked, my voice was dead serious but in reality I just wanted to start laughing. Even if I was plotting to kill them I wouldn't go through with it.

'What?! Are you serious?!' He asked sounding panicked, I just rolled my eyes.

'You're an idiot,' I said before I hung up and flopped back down on my bed starring at the ceiling thinking about this whole situation that I'm in. I pulled my phone out and searched for JJ's contact before sending him a text.

Harper: Hey JJ, can you send me Daniel's number? I need to talk to him

Joanna Jinx: Why? and okay

He sent me the number and I added it to my contacts before answering him.

Harper: None of your business Jinx

I put my phone under my pillow before going to the slide and sliding down to the the living room and falling on my bum with a thump. I get up and go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea and a sandwich with peanut butter and syrup on before going back to my room. I put my snack on my dresser and close the curtains before sitting on my bed crossed legs. I put the telly on and start eating my food and sipping my tea every so often, after a while of watching random cartoons I pick up my phone and decided to text Daniel.

Harper: Hey Dan, it's Harper

I set my phone down not knowing if he'd actually answer me. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I shouldn't have sent him that message.
'Ya think?' my inner voice taunted me.
'Shut up,' I say to her, sometimes I think I'm crazy because I hear my inner voice which isn't normal right? I should go to a mental hospital right?

'No idiot! If you hear voices and they tell you weird shit then you're crazy, I on the other hand am just being sassy,' she said all matter-of-factly.

'Wow... that's the most I've ever heard you say and it made sense,' I say to her shocked, I could just imagine her rolling her eyes, that is if she had a face.

I sigh and watched the telly until my phone buzzed which almost mad me jump out of my skin. I picked up my phone and saw it was a text from Daniel...

Daniel: hey Harper, what's up?

Harper: hey Dan... nothing really just wanted to know about my life before the crash

Dan: right... well if you'd like I could come to yours and explain... or U could come to mine

'Well, if he comes here it would be really awkward with Raven and Judy around or you could go to his and catch him shirtless or he just got out of the shower. Whats the worst that could happen?!' My inner voice said with sarcasm dripping off her last words. I just roll my eyes, she always over exaggerates, although... what would the harm be of catching him shirtless or him wet... okay that sounded so dirty.
'Mhmm,' my inner voice hummed.

Harper: I think I'll meet U at your place just send me the address

I bit my lip and put my phone down I quickly washed my face washing all the makeup off then dried off. I went back to my room to see my phone was ringing. I quickly dived for it but landed on my face.
'Hello?' I said with a groan as I sat on my bum.
'Hey Harper, are you sure you want to come over to my place?' I heard Daniel ask.
'Yeah I'm sure... if your doing something important then I won't come,' I said with a hint if sadness in my voice. I hope he didn't notice.
'How can't he notice ya twat!' My inner voice scolded.
'No I'm just worried... but cone over I'll send you the address now,' he said, I could hear him running around though.
'Okay, worried about what though?' I asked while walking downstairs grabbing the bike's keys.
'Us,' is all he said before hanging up. When I climbed on the bike my phone buzzed and I looked at the address before turning on Harley letting him purr to life. I fucking love this bike!
I started to ride to the address, it took about half an hour because there was a bit of traffic and it was almost on the other side of the city. When I finally got there I parked my - JJ's bike I mean - before walking to the door. I knocked and waited looking around, I haven't been to this side of the city before, it's actually quite nice. My thoughts we're stopped when the door was opened by a very shirtless and a very wet Daniel Thomson. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, water was still visible as they ran down his toned muscles. Oh by fucking soul I was dating a Greek god...
'Told you so,' my inner voice said, though I don't think she gave a fuck that he was almost nude.
Daniel blushed stepping aside for me to walk in, and I did of course. His place was stunning, although I couldn't see him doing this all on his own he must of had some female help.
'My mom and sisters helped me decorate when I moved in here, the rest of the lads are out for the day so it's just us,' he said and I could feel the heat radiate off his body. I licked my lips, his body was very close to mine, almost touching bit barely.

'I'll just go put some clothes on now, make yourself at home,' he said before leaving. I continued to look around seeing some pictures on the wall of Daniel with his friends and family, I'm guessing, but it seems like he was the only boy. Poor thing.
'Poor thing?! Have you seen him Harper?! He could handle them,' my inner voice said.
'Yeah now maybe, but what about when he didn't look like that?' Told her and she stayed quiet. Finally.
I continued exploring looking at the pictures and other things before bumping into a hard chest, I didn't stumble or fall, i staid my ground. The tip of my nose was pressed against his chest and I took in the smell of his cologne, it smells intoxicating but not familiar.
'Harper? You okay there?' Daniel asked bringing me out of my trance, I blushed and took a small step back.
'Yeah I'm good,' I say and I swear I heard him whisper something like "damn I was hoping you we're bad..." well okay then.
'Umm what cologne are you wearing by the way?' I asked shyly.
'Gravity,' he said shrugging.
'It smells fucking good,' I said making him blush. Oh the satisfaction of making someone blush.

Afterwards we went to the kitchen and started to chat as he made us some hot chocolate, it was pretty cold outside, I hadn't even realised till he offered me a jacket that I was shivering. I learnt a lot about him, the lads and my old self. Not a lot changed really, just my taste in lovers I guess... I told him I dated a few girls and some guys over the years, he gawked when I said girls which I rolled my eyes at.
'Don't look at me like that I can also play the field,' I said with a cheeky grin before sipping my hot chocolate, he just laughed at me. I'm glad I didn't really change, I like who I am and if who I am is who I was, then I wouldn't have it any other way.
'Now let's get down to my big question,' I suddenly said, I've been waiting to ask this since this morning.
'What is it?' He asked drying his hands, he had just finished washing the dishes.
'You said we were dating,' I say and he nods.
'What was our relationship like?' I asked getting up.
'Umm well, we made each other happy, we were like any normal couple,' he said liking nervous as I walked closer.

I knew I was making him nervous by the way he gripped the counter and his breathing quickened. I felt like I was stalking my prey... that sounded like I'm a carnivore or something...
'Okay and how about the other side of the relationship?' I asked now standing right in front of him. I tried to control my breathing so he wouldn't see how nervous I actually was.
'W-what you mean?' He slightly stuttered.
'You know. The holding hands, the kissing... the touching,' I whispered as I leaned closer to his ear standing on my toes.
'Oh that.. Umm we did what normal couples do...' he trailed off making me smirk before I whispered in his ear;

"Show me,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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