The Idiot Who Loved Me (Denmark)

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Author's Note: This is dedicated to my good friend, Jannel; loyal Emison shipper and passionate PLL fangirl.


"I swear this place just keeps getting colder and colder" I said, rubbing my gloved hands together.

Mathias had asked—let's face it, the term is 'forced'—me to come visit Denmark this long weekend because he had a surprise for me, whatever the Hell it was. All this trouble for what might result in a heart attack. Or a string of migraines.

We've only known each other for a year and a half, and yet he treats me like his personal servant, being the self-proclaimed "King of Northern Europe".

I lowered my head 'Just what does he take me for?'

"Wah!" My irritation was cut short by a high-pitched whining.

Looking around I immediately spotted a little girl with braids fall on the airport's wet floor.

I was about to help her but a young boy hurried to her side before I could. I thought he was going to assist her but instead he bent down, bursting out a string of laughter. That arrogant laugh made my brow twitch and I was about to say something but then he bent down in front of her.

"You look funny when you cry." He declared, and then knelt down with his back to her, "Come on, I'll carry you to your parents so stop crying, okay?"

His words seemed to have calmed the girl down. She nodded, hiccupping slightly and did what she was told.

I watched the boy struggle to carry her with his slender frame. At the same time I felt myself smile, 'I guess he's like that with me, too'

I gasped when someone poked my sides, causing the entire airport to notice my presence. Only one person would do that.

I turned around with flaming cheeks, "MATHIAS!"

He cackled in response and my irritation overshadowed my embarrassment.

"You jackass!" I exclaimed. "What the Hell is with that entrance? Also, you're late! You agreed to pick me up at eight. It's already five minutes after eight. You jerk! Even Gilbert can come on time, you—

He cut me off by covering my mouth. Waving a finger as though he was trying to lecture me he whispered "Not so loud"

"You're one to talk" I uttered when he let me go.

"Now come on" He grabbed my wrist "Time to go!"

"What? Go where? Wait, what about my luggage?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll have the maids take care of it"

"That can't be okay" He tugged on my arm and soon we were running, "Mathias!" I struggled to keep up but my legs never were capable of running as fast as Mathias', I found myself tripping on my own feet.


"Damn, you really are heavier than you look"

I found myself cradled in Mathias' strong arms. Standing at six feet with long but toned arms and legs from his extra-curriculars (football, sailing and rock climbing) those six packs weren't just for show.

"M-Mathias!" I yelled in protest.

"I'm kidding. You weigh just fine" He winked, making me blush in anger and embarrassment (can't say I'm not flattered though).


He laughed "I don't think so, kitten"

"Just where are we going?"

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