I dissolved into laughter too, leaning my head against the window.

The song finished after a few moments and then there was voice announcing about a concert that was going on tomorrow night.

I sat up straight in my seat and turned up the volume.

Rose grinned and said: "You guys up for sneaking into a concert tomorrow?"

Shane did an eyebrow waggle, a goofy smile lighting up his face, which was all the confirmation we needed from him.

Gordon nodded and said: "I'm in, but what's the plan for tonight?"

We all paused and exchanged glances, wondering what exactly was the plan for tonight?

Rose spoke up, saying something that surprised us all: "We find the biggest party that's happening and crash it and live like there's no tomorrow."

We shrugged then high fived, smiling wide.

The biggest party around just so happened to be at club called WHAT3V3R.

It was a hole in the wall dance club with brick walls covered in graffiti and a sign that flickered constantly, as if contemplating whether just to give up or not.

Lucky for us, there was no line.

Just a bouncer that quickly checked Gordon's ID and ushered inside.

Inside was an even more interesting place with flashing purple and blue lights, along with plenty of black lights, causing anyone wearing white to be illuminated and glow.

There were so many people that you couldn't even breathe without bumping into someone.

I frowned, grabbing Gordon's wrist and pulling him close to me.

With anxiety as bad as his, I knew he would rather be closer to people he knew then absolute strangers.

Rose leaned over and shouted into my ear over the music: "I'm going to go seduce us some drinks. I'll be back."

I watched her squirm her way through the crowd, hoping she was joking about the seducing part.

From the look on Gordon's face, I could tell he was uncomfortable and no longer wanted to be standing in the center of everything.

I let out a huff of air and grabbed the boys' hands, dragging them to a booth in the back.

The lighting was pretty back there, but not many people were occupying the back so it was perfect for Gordon.

Shane and I sat across from him, looking around.

There was a couple in the hall that lead to the bathrooms that were making out.

I made a face and quickly looked away, taking in how everyone was lacking clothing.

I also took in the way they danced: pressed together and inappropriately.

Gordon sighed: "You guys don't have to sit here and talk to me, it's fine."

I grabbed his hand from across the table, smiling.
"Shut up. We want to."

Shane bit his lip and said: "Well actually..."
I narrowed my eyes at him and he winced, looking away.

Gordon rolled his eyes.

"Go have fun, Shane. Don't let Ana scare you out of having a good time."
Shane smiled and got up, disappearing into the crowds of people.

Now it was just Gordon and I, and I wasn't sure what to say.

Conversations With AnaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora