Chapter 3

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Michelle's Pov:
   'Who is this person? Why are we here at night?' These were questions I wanted to ask badly, but I knew I couldn't.

   Me and my dad where standing waiting for someone to answer the door for about 1 minute and then my dad knocked again. After he knocked a fat guy opened the door. He looked to be about in his late 30's or early 40's, and he was wearing a flower shirt and some tan jeans.

"Why Bill Cipher, what a delight seeing you here." The flower shirt fat man said. "Look Bud I need you to watch over my little Yin Yang for me. While I'm out of town for awhile. Can you do that for me?" I could tell that the strange man called Bob was it Bob I don't know I'm never good with people's names.

  But I could tell that he didn't know about this a head of time. "Well I would love too but I'm not sure on how Gideon is going to feel about this." The fat guy said. 'Ok this Gideon, sounds like a other fat dude. But this fat guy sounds scared of him? Why?' I thought to myself not paying attention to what my dad and the fat flower guy were saying.

"Look Bud *whispers something into Bud's ear*" My dad seems really desperate about this but why? What is he whispering to the fat guy?

Bud's (fat flower guy)Pov:
"Look Bud *if you don't want anymore trouble with your son then take her she can help you and also don't let her go near the shack*" Bill Cipher whispered into my ear. "Y-you mean n-no m-more threats from Gideon?" I said quietly. Bill nodded and then I stared at the girl. The girl looked at me, we locked eyes for a couple of seconds until I turned to look at Bill. His hand was already out ready for me to shake it.

I looked back inside the house at Gideon's door, and then back at Bill's hand. With that I took his hand and shaked it. "Thanks Bud" and with that we was gone.

I showed Cipher's daughter to her new room it was right across from mine and my wife's room. She gave me a thankful smile and went in the room.

Michelle's Pov:
I gave the fat flower man a thankful smile once he showed me to my new room. I went inside the room and closed the door.
Inside the room was a queen size bed two dressers with a desk in between them. The floor was all wooden expected there is a rug under the bed.

  I got into my pjs and slipped under the warm silky covers and went to bed.
  Not knowing of what would happen next.

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