Tell me where he is

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"Kira!" Scott yelled as she stepped into the loft.

"Where is he?" She demanded, a sort of fury sparking in her eyes.

"Who?" Scott stuttered

"Stiles. Where's the nogitsune?"

"He- he's with Derek." Scott frowned. "Kira-"

"We need to go then." She whipped out her blade and smiled.

"No." Scott grabbed her hand. "We're not killing him Kira. There are other ways-"

"Not this time Scott." Kira growled, tugging her hand away. She pointed the blade towards Scott's chest. He looked up at her with sad, puppy dog eyes.


"I'm going Scott."

"You'll have to get past me."

It physically hurt Scott to fight Kira. To try and hurt someone he loved- to protect someone he loved just as much. He had to keep telling himself that he wasn't fighting Kira. That it was just someone trying to kill his best friend. But then he'd catch her eye, or her a familiar sound as he slammed her against a wall, and he'd stop, allowing her to knock him down.

Kira pressed the blade against his throat.

"Tell me where he is Scott!"

"No! Kira listen, this isn't you, whatever Theo has done to you-"

"Aaaah!" Kira screamed in pain, dropping her blade and bring her hands to her head. Scott wiped the blood from his lip and ran to her.

"Scott?" She questioned as he wrapped his arms around her. "What's going on?"

Scott frowned. "Kir-" she suddenly bent over and coughed up blood.

Scott leant over her, to make sure she was ok, when her foot swung out and knocked him onto his back.

"Tell me where he is." She wiped the blood from her chin and pushed the blade up to his chest.


Kira dug the tip of the blade slightly into his chest.

"Tell me."


Kira plunged the sword into Scott's chest. Scott let out a howl of pain as she pulled it out, leaving him bleeding on the floor of Derek's loft.

Scott watched the girl that wasn't his girlfriend leave, replaying the past 5 minutes over in his head. He knew, that for a brief second, he'd gotten Kira back, and all he had to do was do it again.


"Scott are you sure you're ok?" Isaac said, laying a hand on his friends shoulder.

"Yeah. It'll heal."

"I didn't mean the wound." Isaac caught Scott's tired eyes with his concerned ones. Scott smiled slightly, clapping Isaac on the back.

"Come on, let's figure out this spell."

"Lydia, can I see your translation?" Deaton said, frowning. Lydia handed him her notebook. "We need the Nogitsune and Stiles to complete this."

"I'll call Liam." Scott pulled out his phone. "Liam? Hey man-"

"Scott!" Liam's voice was panicked.

"What's wrong?"

"It's- I'm at the loft, we're coming." Liam hung up as the door behind them opened and Liam and Mason ran in.

"Scott! It's the nogitsune! It's gone!"


"We got there, all that was there were the ropes, they looked sliced, and- and a pile of ashes." Mason leant on his friend, trying to catch his breath.

"But Derek said he was there this morning."

"Hold on... When did Derek go to see the nogitsune first?"

"Wasn't it when I took Stiles home?" Lydia answered, a worried expression on her face.

"Did any of you notice Derek acting strange earlier?"

"A bit... He seemed overly happy. But I thought that was just because he got together with Stiles finally."

"He would have been the only one besides us that would have been able to see him. And I doubt Stiles would have let it out."

"Unless..." Deaton muttered.


"Unless Derek offered himself up instead."

"No way would Derek do that."

"Maybe he would for Stiles."

"But then where is he now?"

Scott's face went pale.

"What is it Scott? Where is he?"

"He's with Stiles."



as Mason would say, "intense"

So guys I just thought I'd let you know that I have officially planned all four parts of this fic! I feel accomplished omg.

I've just finished writing part 2, so the more feedback I'm getting from you guys the faster you'll find out what happens ;)

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