why am I doing this .-.

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1.) Aliah
((I'm not going to reveal my whole name))

2.) I'm 13 ^-^

3.)....well....irl no.....but I have someone to love on wattpad ^//^

4.) Spaghetti

5,) tired.......I just woke up

6.).....Florida.....I'm not telling you where tho

7.)...I can't really choose...I like sinister :3

8.) Yeah, you could say that

9.) Well I'm reading this book now called Eleanor and park, I really like it

10.) Three days Grace or five finger death punch.....or BOTDF

11.) I am machine - by three days Grace

12.) Blue

13.) I love everyone ^//^

14.).....being stuck in the dark....where I could die

15.) Fnaf was real *-*

16.) Tiger ^-^

17.) Teal

18.) No.....not that I know of

19.) Nope

20.) My dad ((I've never met my dad))

truth or dare or ask questions with the fnaf guards 2 ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now