Chapter 16

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The night was cooler than usual tonight, being one of the first signs that fall was on the way. My dress swished behind me as I made my usual path up to the clearing that had almost become my second home while I was here.

I walked in pitch darkness, the moon being the only source of life I had. Ahead, I could see a glob of light that was Gabriel’s lantern he always brought. He had told me a while back that he hated the dark.

Coming closer, I could make out his silhouette and the large, dark shape of Serena in the small glade. I could hear him talking quietly to her and she seemed almost sympathetic to him. As I approached, though, her head lifted to look at me and he paused, turning to look as well.

Passing through the last screen of trees, I squinted a bit, my eyes hurt from the sudden light after walking in the dark. Gabriel looked over at me and relaxed.

“Thank goodness. You scared me for a moment Danielle,” he said in way of greeting. I rolled my eyes, walking over to Serena and patting her head before sitting down beside him.

“I’m the one who should be scared, not you,” I reminded him. “And for that matter, Serena should really be scared.” She nodded, giving him a knowing look.

“How was the girls day?” he asked, leaning back to rest against Serena.

“It was fine, I guess,” I replied with a shrug. “Socializing has never really been my favorite thing.

“More like your least favorite,” he corrected.

“Well, either way, it was nice. I got some dresses, had tea, and met Abigail and Ethan’s family,” I told him with a grin.

“Did you like them?” he asked. I nodded vigorously.

“They were wonderful!” I exclaimed before quieting down. I let out a sigh and leaned back. “Why can’t my family be like that?”

“Still mad?” he wondered and I shrugged.

“I guess,” I answered vaguely. “I mean, six months, you’d think I’d be over it by now. But I guess I’m not. And you guys all avoid the topic like it was a plague. Nothing I do is going to change my fate.”

“That’s such a pessimistic way to think,” he announced, standing up. “You can’t think like that. You’ve got to be happy. Be your own person!” He threw his hands up in the air and I tilted my head to the side. “If you don’t like the way your life is going, then take it into your own hands!”

“Why are you acting like this?” I immediately asked, standing up in front of him. I studied his face as he looked down, unable to meet my eyes. “Something’s different with you, isn’t it? Gabe, tell me.”

He shrugged, his eyes flicking up to meet mine for a moment, the sharp green highlighted and shining in the light, before he sat down again. “I wish I could go to Ethan’s house. His family was always so nice, but I’m never allowed to go anymore because I’m royalty,” he swiftly changed the topic.

“Well, maybe you need to find some other way. Sneak out,” I advised, coming to sit down beside him again. He looked up, a sly grin on his face.

“And you have experience in this?” I blushed, looking down and picking at the grass.

“Well, no,” I answered bashfully. He laughed, and the sound quickly filled up the silent glen with warmth. “You sneak out here every night.”

He shrugged. “It’s always a possibility.” I nodded, letting the silence between us grow comfortably.

I was tired, and I could feel it as I yawned. My eyes slowly drifted closed, blocking out the little bit of light. “You’re tired, aren’t you?”

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