Unforeseen meeting and birthdays?

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 I went back downstairs to see the Harry and Zayn on the ground fighting. I stood by Niall and looked at him. I really like him, but I don't think he likes me. I mean I'm nothing special. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He can always make me smile. I noticed Liam looking at us weirdly. I watched the fight continue. Harry ended up winning. After that we all decided to go and eat something. We went to Hooters. I love Hooters! We were sitting there, waiting for a table when Louis tapped on Liam's shoulder and pointed to the door. Fear went through my body when I saw who he was pointing at. My so called parents. Niall gave me his hoodie and Liam grabbed my hand, leading me to another exit. Harry canceled our reservation, then followed us. I think my parents noticed when all of us went through the exit and decided to follow us. We got to the car and Niall put me in the back. I crawled down to the floor as everyone piled in. Zayn started the car but before he could drive away, my parents knocked on the window and asked Louis if he had seen me and showed him my photo.

"I'm sorry I haven't" Louis said in his british accent. My parents looked sad.

"Ok well if you see her please call us. She is our baby, and we can't live without her." My mother said. I felt guilty for a moment, but remembered that they weren't even my real parents, and that the only reason they wanted me was to keep me away from my real family. Louis nodded and we left. I got back on the seat next to Niall and Liam. We then stopped at the Wendy's drive thru. We ate on the way home. When we got back it was 2:30. Yes, only a few more hours till she is here. I then went exploring. I haven't seen much since I got here so I went and looked around. I found a game room, 3 guest bedrooms, a theater, and my favorite, the library. I looked at all the books, it's clear that no one uses this room so I curled up on one of the chairs and started reading.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I took out my phone and saw it was 4:30! I walked out and went back to the living room. I saw all the boys there. Worry on their faces. When I walked in everyone ran up to me.

"Where were you" Harry asked sternly. I say the worry and anger leave their eyes.

"The library, I was reading and I guess I fell asleep. Sorry to worry you guys" I said quietly. They are really protective. The doorbell rang. I smiled. She's here!

"I'll get it, wait before I open it I need to tell you that, one, she doesn't know I live with you and two, we are both HUGE Directioners!" They smiled and nodded. I think they are going to enjoy this... I ran to the door, and opened it. Lilly rushed at me and hugged me. I laughed. She let go and smiled at me.

"Wow this is a really nice house" Lilly said. I looked around and noticed that the boy's were gone. I guess they went to the kitchen. "I am so glad you are okay!!!"

"Ok, I want you to meet a few people. But before you meet them, I need you to promise that you won't freak out." She nodded looking curious. I lead her to the kitchen. When she saw all the boys at the table, she stopped in their tracks and stared wide eyed. I noticed that Lilly was staring straight at Louis and muttered his name under her breath. I laughed so hard. Her face was PRICELESS!

"Hello!" Zayn said. She just stood there. I walked over to Liam and said

"Lilly, this is my brother, Liam." Soon the shock on her face was gone and excitement replaced it. She screamed. And loudly.


"I wanted it to be a surprise." She glared at me and I raised my hands in defense. The boys laughed.

"Well don't be shy we don't bite! Sit down! I don't know about any of you but, I'm starving!" Niall exclaimed. I laughed and sat by him. He always is, but that's one of the reasons I like him so much. Along with several other reasons. I doubt he even likes me. I then remembered something. Tomorrow is my birthday. I don't think any of the boys know that though. As if on cue, Lilly brings out a big box.

"What's that for" Zayn said gesturing to the box she just put in front of me. She looked confused as I look down.

"It's Emily's birthday tomorrow." The boys looked at me.

"Why didn't you remind us?" Harry said disappointed. I just shrugged. The boys got up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going!" I shouted, running after them.

"We have to go to the store real fast, we will be right back. You girls have fun and leave whenever you want. We will back sometime later. Hope to see you soon Lilly." Liam said as they walked out. Well that was interesting.

The rest of the night we watched a movie a caught up. Soon she had to go. The boys weren't back yet, so I went to bed.


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