Marriage? Marriage.

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Baekhyun's POV

It's been 1.........3..........4.... 6months since I confessed my feelings for Suzy and I have to admit that I'm getting proposal fever. I know,I know. Your thinking that I'm moving to fast. But listen. I've been in love with this girl for years and didn't recognize it until a few months ago. So I think that it would only be right.

I can't leave my parents house until marriage anyway. And Suzy's definitely the one that I want to marry.

"You sure that you want to do this?" Suho asked. I was sitting in the dorm with the boys and told them what I want to do.

"Yes and No"

"What does yes and no mean? You should be one hundred percent sure about this type of thing" Xiumin said.

"I say yes because I really love Suzy. When I told her that I loved her for the first time. She didn't even flinch and said it right back." I said and they nodded and mumbled things in aggrement.

"Well then why do you say no?" Kai asked.

"I say no because of rejection. What if shes not ready and turns me down. Wouldn't that ruin things?" I asked looking at no one in particular.

"No it doesn't ruin things. If she's not ready she'll tell you. And then that's when you wait. Trust me,woman will show signs when their ready for marriage" Kris said.

"Like what?" I asked. And he looked up into space like he was thinking.

"Well if she says 'when we get married' rather than 'if we get married' then she's expecting it to happen. Has she done that?" Suho asked.

"Yeah,we were watching We Got Married one night and that's when she picthed an idea" I said.

"What did she say?" Tao asked.

"She said. 'When we get married. I want us to be like them. Me cooking while you build things'. I didnt think anything of her statement before. But now it must mean that she's thought of marriage to" I said.

"Mmmhm so I wouldn't be scared of rejection. I think she would be on board. Besides you've been her longest lasting relationship right?" Chen asked.


"Then I say go for it" Chen said. And I nodded and stood up.

"Thanks for the talk guys. But it's one more person that I need to ask in order for it to be a possiblity" I said.

"Who her mom?" Suho asked.

"No they don't speak. Im talking about her brother Gyeong " I said and the boys 'ooooed' together in sync.

"What? What, why did you do that?" I asked looking at everyone in fear.

"Good luck" Tao said before laughing. And D.O smacked him in the head.

"Gyeong is a tuff one" Kai said.

"Well Gyeong was the who wanted me to date her." I said.

"Date yeah but marriage is another unicorn. Like me it's something different" Lay said.

"Is different another word for high?" Chen asked.

"Look you say potato and I say tomato" Lay said and I shook my head.

"What I think Lay was trying to say is. Marriage is a bigger step than dating. So be prepared if he doesnt condone" Xiumin said.

Xiumin's right. What if Gyeong doesn't want me to marry Suzy. And just wanted me to be a distraction until she's finds another guy..........Someone better.


I pulled up to Gyeongs house. He bought it 3 months ago. And let's just say that's it's bigger than my dreams.

I nervously walked up to the door. And firmly knocked on it.

Gyeong didn't open the door immediately. And while I was waiting, I decided that it was a bad idea. I would rather wait than have him say no and I never get the chance to marry Suzy.

So I turned around and was about to walk away when I suddenly heard the door open.

"Baekhyun what are you doing here?" Gyeong asked stopping me in my tracks.

Think Baekhyun Think!

"Uh I just had a question about..........Bacon?" I said with it sounding like a question.

"So let me get this straight. Baekhyun had a question about Bacon. Something that he despises." Gyeong said making me sound like a reincarnated Lay.

"Haha you caught me.....I like bb-bacon now" I stuttered to say while I turned to face him.

"Well if that's true. Come on in. I just made some" Gyeong said and I felt my heart fall into my stomach.

"Oh no that's fine. I must really be on my way" I said turning back around. But he grabbed me and pushed me into the house.

One Word: STRONG!

"Follow me into the kitchen" Gyeong said and I reluctantly followed.

"So are you going to tell me why your really here. Or are you going to suffer until the end?" Gyeong asked and I gulped my spit

" yy-ou mean. Because if you think its about Suzy. Then your wrong because why would it be. You know itsnotlikeitsaboutSuzybecauseiloveherandiwouldneverdoanythingtohurtherbecauseshemeanstheworldtomeandand-"

"Baekhyun breathe!" Gyeong said. And I sighed heavily.

"So it's about Suzy. What about her?" Gyeong asked as he sat down at the table in the kitchen.

"I just wanted to ask you something" I said and Gyeong kept eating.

Then there was a lingering silence while Gyeong was staring at me to continue. But I avoided his eyes and looked around the kitchen.

"Wow this is a nice place alright. When did you get the-"

"Baekhyun" Gyeong said

"Hmmm?" I said like I didn't know what he was going to ask me.

"Get to it"

"Okay........... Gyeong I wanted to ask for"

"For..... " Gyeong said.

"Suzy's hand in marriage" I said spitting it out with my eyes closed.
I was to afraid to open my eyes and see his facial expression.

And what he said next. Was something that will haunt me for the next 20 years.

A/N: Hello everyone! I know what your thinking."why is she moving the story so fast" But I have to admit that my fingers have been itching for a proposal scene. So just bare with me and comment and vote. I promise that's it's going to be worth it. I will do my final shout out at the end of the story. You know who you guys are;).


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