Chapter Five:Confessions

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*Emily's POV*

It was going to be Ali's funeral in 2 weeks. It's been a month since she's died. I decided to go visit Alison's mum and show her the speech, the girls and I had made to see what she thought about it. On my way, I stopped when I saw Toby. Toby Kavanagh.


Hanna: I'm so excited for the party! Eeeeh!

Ali:Of course you'd be excited... *rolls eyes*

Spencer:I love this top! Thanks Ali.

Ali:Yeah I change my mind. I want the top you're wearing. Come on! Switch!

Narrator:Spencer and Ali take off their tops and swap. Trees rustle.

Emily:Did you hear that?

All 5 girls:Yeah...

Ali:I'll check.

Narrator:Ali looks out the window then closes the curtains.

Ali:Its that stalker freak, Toby again! You know, we should teach him a lesson-Not to spy on us ever again. Follow me girlies.

Narrator:Girls go outside and sneak through bushes until they get to Toby's shed. Ali holds up a stink bomb.

Aria:Ali, don't! The lights are on, someone's in there. It's dangerous.

Ali:Ugh, your such a big baby. Theres no one there. Im sure or do you want me to regret ever joining you into this group?

Aria:Ok but quickly.

Narrator:Ali opens shed door and throws bomb in it.


Narrator:The girls run and hide in a bush 10 feet away. Bam! The bomb exploded. Ali giggles and runs. The girls follow after her not knowing that someone WAS is there. Toby's stepsister, Jenna.

End of Flashback

Just thinking about that night, makes me shiver. We were the ones who blinded Toby's stepsister Jenna. I didn't realise I was staring at Toby for like 15 seconds straight. "Oh, sorry." "Don't worry. I get a lot of stares. I'm used to it",he said. I pretended as if I didn't hear the last part of his sentence. "I'm-". "Emily. I know. You were one of Ali's puppets..",he claimed. "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?", I asked rudely. "If Ali wasn't your friend would you have treated me and other people the way you did? Or are you deep down just like Ali? Evil and mean?". I opened my mouth but nothing came out. "Don't worry. I know your not",he smiled. I smiled back. "Can I ask you something?",I said. He nodded. "Do you hate me and the other girls? Because if you do, we weren't the ones who put the bomb in your shed.", I said. "No. I can't hate anybody. It's too strong of a word. People just throw it around like that." "Well, I should go.. Nice talking to you". "You too."

I don't know why people think he's a freak. I mean they don't even know him. I don't know him very well but he seems nice..



*Spencer's POV*

I was sick and tired of -A. I know what he or she or they or Aria was planning to do. They wanted to tear me and the other girls apart with our secrets. But I wouldn't let them. We might as well find out our secrets from each other. So I sent the girls a text. Including Aria or -A..

Sent at 25 May 13 14:07 To:Hanna, Emily and Aria


Come over to mine. We need to sort some things out.

Within 10 minutes, all the girls were present. We sat in a circle on the carpet in my room. "What's up Spencer?", Aria asked. "-A wants to tear is apart with our secrets so I thought why not do the opposite. Tell each other the secrets that -A knows to brings us closer together", I said. "Who wants to go first?". "Well, it's your idea so...", Hanna said. "Ok. So you know Wren? My sister's fiancé- well ex fiancé... We kissed. And now the wedding is off. Him and Melissa are no longer together.",I admitted. "Wow..",one of the girls said.

"Well, you guys already know my secret because of -A. But what you don't know is that -A got a picture of me shoplifting and handed it in to the police. But thankfully my mum go me out of it. I don't know how though..", Hanna confessed.

"Me next.",Emily volunteered. "I spoke to Toby Kavanagh today.. And I know who -A is...I think." "What the hell were you doing talking to that creep?", Hanna shouted. "Hey you don't know him so don't judge him!", Emily fired back. "Oh so you've become best friends?",Aria snapped. "Guys.. Who cares. Ok. She said she knows who -A is!",I shouted. "Who?" "Spencer Hanna and I think it's you Aria..". "What?",Aria screamed. I took out my phone and explained to her when we got the text. "I can't believe you guys think, I'm -A",she said almost tearing up. "Now that its said out loud it does sound stupid.. Sorry...". "It's fine.", Aria said simply.

"Anyways my secret is that.... Mr Fitz and I are seeing each other",Aria said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "What!??!",we all chorused. "We met before school, and you guys never said anything for the other secrets so can we please not talk about it?", Aria asked. "Ok my turn.. -A sent in a picture of me, shoplifting to the cops.." "Ok so now we know this and we all promise that what we discussed wont leave here? Right?",I asked. "Yep",they all replied.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Received 25 May 13 15:34 From Blocked Number


Congrats! The 4 amigos are back, better than ever!! Yeah right! I will break you guys!

Toodles -A



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