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'What? Yes you know me, you know my name,' he said slightly panicked, he does know! The little fucker! Okay maybe that was a little uncalled for.

'No shit Sherlock,' my inner voice said.

'Shut up you,' I say to her.

'Daniel, that's not what I mean. Last night I had a dream, you and Aaron were in it,' I say, to say he went pale was an understatement. He looked at me with huge eyes which held panic yet he looked happy about the news.

'What happened in the dream?' He asked and I explained to him my dream, the more I spoke the more pink I turned and the bigger he smiled. When I finished he hugged me and kissed the top of my head, I hugged him back awkwardly, I know he could feel my discomfort that's why he pulled back. He cupped my cheeks before he explained everything to me.

'Okay Harper, your parents told me not to tell you, but you're having dreams about it so I'm going to tell you, okay?' He said and i slapped his hands away and put my hands on my hips.

'Tell me already damn it!' I say and he chuckles lightly leaning against the counter.

'Okay, so you used to live in Doncaster till you were about sixteen, your brother and I were best mates back then, we'd known each other since we were wee little lads and then you came along and we promised to protect you. As time went on you were able to walk and talk, then you started to go out with us when we went out and played footie or something you'd come with. The other lads lived in different towns at the time so we had other friends... not such good friends, they were arses because of the way they treated you so we dropped them,' he said as he glared at the floor.

'But as I was saying, you hung out with us and as we got older and went to school you... well -' he gave me a shy boyish smile '- you spent a lot of time with me when your brother wasn't around, like we'd sit in my or your backyard with your head on my chest or my head on your stomach and we try see shapes in the clouds, or we'd play video games and stuff like that. But when we hit puberty and you started to go to high school then, well I kind of started to feel things for you that I had felt before but now they were stronger,' he spoke with a cute shy smile.

'I was older than you by three years so I was in high school before you and made a name for myself and became one of the best players in our football team, then when you came I kind of lost all interest in everything and spent loads of times with you, didn't matter where or when. I asked you out when I was eighteen and I loved being with you, then... then you got in a car accident with your brother,' he said his eyes meeting mine.

'The doctor said you had lost your memory and you only knew your brother, mother and father, you didn't know me or your little sister Marissa who was kidnapped a few months before, you guys moved to London and you finished school. I had been heartbroken, technically we're still dating but yeah, your parents warned me to stay away from you. When I saw you in the bakery I just couldn't help but come up to you -' I cut him off by pulling him into a kiss. I had been staring at his lips for about ten minutes and I couldn't help myself.

He kissed me back pushing me against the wall, I know this wouldn't go as far as us just kissing but I just needed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and my hands slowly went up his chest feeling his muscles and good fuck he was built, his hands were on my waist until one hand slipped up my sweatshirt. His warm fingers on my skin sent goosebumps all over my body. We only pulled away when we heard someone walking down the stares, we looked at each other before I left the kitchen passing a guy with messy brown curly locks who looked very hung over. 

I smiled walking up the stairs but was tackled to the ground by someone, I groaned colliding with the wooden floor.

'Harper!' the person exclaimed cuddling my body, I just laid there starring up at the ceiling. I knew who it was, so I didn't have a reason to lift my head.

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