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You two spent the rest of your time together just laying around and talking. Koichi grew very fond of you and you could tell. The more he felt comfortable with you led to him letting his true personality shine through. His sense of humor changed to be more vulgar and childish and he became more physical with you, with the occasional nudge and putting his hand on your shoulder even sometimes laying his precious little head on your shoulder. The two of you sat in the family room cuddles up in a large velvety warm blanket, Koichi had brought the tray of left over cookies and two glasses of milk for you to dunk them in. You feel a sense of sadness wash over you, turning to him you cuddle closer to him trying to make him happy before you break the bad news to him.

You:" H-hey uhm Koichi.....i have to tell you something, its pretty important and i need you to listen."

Koichi:" You sound really serious, is something wrong? You can tell me, i can take it. I promise."

You:" Well Koichi you know i cant stay the whole night right? I,m suppose to leave once you fall asleep. I really wish i didn't but i cant disobey your parents wishes."

Koichi:" W-well then uhm.....then i wont go to sleep and you can stay!! Right? Please dont go. I dont want you to leave me alone by myself especially with my parents home. PLEASE _______ PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE HERE, I'LL MISS YOU."

Koichi instantly turned away, his face flushed up a bright red, he knew he shouldn't have said that. You pull him closer and rub his back gently ,leaning in slowly you plant a gentle kiss on the side of his head.

You:" You know i wouldn't leave if i had the option. Im sorry...i really am."

Koichi scrunches your shirt up into his fists and buries his face in you chest. By the way his chest was rising and fallinb rapidly and out of sync you could tell he was on the verge of tears. You wrapped your arms around him making him feel secure and safe. His sobs got louder and you can hear the sadness and pain in his voice. You grabbed your bag that you had thrown onto the floor earlier and you pulled out some makeup wipes, you gently slid one out and closed the pack back up ,pulling his face away you gently wiped away any makeup that had smeared but in the end just decided to remove all of it. You swept the towellte under his his eyes gentlys trying not to irritate them, moving down to his cheeks you held his face in your hands, with his chin resting on your palm.

You brush your thumb across his cheek as a sign of affection and continue to clean his face. You throw the towellte onto the table and then move your hands to the back of his head to gather up all of his hair. You pull it back and put it up into a loose bun. Koichi leaned againsf you feeling himself getting sleepier and sleepier by the minute. You gently lay him down and pull the blanket over him, tucking him in. Adjusting the pillow under his head you give him a quick peck on the cheek and with that he turned onto his side towards the couch and fell into a deep slumber. You brushed some of the loose hairs from his face and smiles happily to yourself. You began to pack up all your things, grabbing the empty tray and glasses of milk. You peeled off the tin foil, throwing it into the garbage. You carefully put the tray back under the sink where Koichi had taken it from. You emptied out the glasses and set them down in the sink. Once everything was taken care of you make your way to the front door. You let out a heavy sigh and hesitantly turned the handle to open the door, stepping outside you closed the door behind you gently not to wake up Koichi.

After you left that day you never saw him again. You were never invited back nor had you ever recieved a call or anything from Koichi as you so desperately wanted. All you recieved were nasty voicemails from his father, saying things like "How dare you do those things to my son? You had no right to do such a thing. I can't believe you would do those sorts of things without my permission." And the list goes on. You waited for something......anything from Koichi but after a year and a half you had recived nothing and eventually just gave up and forgot about him completely. There was no reason to mope and cry feeling bad for yourself.

Within this time you got more into jrock and the Visual Kei scene. You constantly stalked websites and looked for new album downloads until one day you stumbled across something that completely baffled you. It was a post announcement for a new band that had debuted, their music was quite good and you saw they had so much potential. After spending time listening to the previews and a single or two you decided to look at the most recent member looks. The typical from what you would normally see. A half dressed guy with a baby face. A crossdressing guy who carried around a stuffed animal and didnt talk. A physically intimidating bad boy guy with tattoos and piercing but then you saw someone who looked incredibly framiliar to you. The image of a sweet childlike face and bright pink hair was drilled into your brain but you couldnt seem to grasp where you've seen it before. The more you tried to focus and remember the more your head hurt and you decided it wasn't worth the pain and just forgot about it.

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