Chapter 1- He's Staying Here?

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I woke up to the smell of... food.  Score, I don't need to make my own this morning, just need to steal it from Aleks or Eddie.  I hop up and leave my room, wearing pajama shorts and a tank top with my hair in a falling apart, bun. I run down the stairs, almost falling, running into Sp00n? 'Why is he here?' I thought to myself. "Sorry Kacie." Nick apologized, laughing. "You dick!" I laugh, hard.

"So what're you doing in Colorado?" I ask. "Oh, I moved here to participate in more stuff with The Creatures" He replies.

"You're moving here? Where're you gonna stay? The Creature house?" I ask, he most likely is staying there, there isn't barely enough room for the three of us so he probably isn't going to stay here, right?

"Well I am staying at your apartment until I find my own.  Kevin might move here as well and if he does then we're going to buy an apartment together." He responds with a goofy smile on his face.

"Sick!  Well I'm going to go get some breakfast.  I assume you know where the guest room is, yes?"


I walk into the kitchen seeing Aleks is toasting frozen waffles.

"Morning dick head." I smile sweetly, sitting at the breakfast bar across from him as he types at his phone.

"Hey bitch.  Want a waffle or five?" He smirks at me and my metabilism.  "I still don't understand how you stay that skinny, like damn girl."

 "I'm just that magestical." I grinned as he placed a waffle on a plate, smothering it in syrup, sliding it in my direction along with a fork.

"Eddie asked if we could record Minecraft Daily with him today, he told me that Steven and Nick will also be there as well." Aleks informs me, I nod and finish my waffle. he puts two more on my plate as well as more syrup.

"Morning scumbags!" I hear the Latino idiot that I live with scream.

"Morning dumb ass!" I yell back as he enters the kitchen.

"Who's ready to record Minecraft Daily?" Eddie rubs his hands together deviously.

"Eh," I respond. "I guess, but if you losers don't give me my stuff, everything is going to be burned to the ground, including Maurice." I smile, throwing my paper plate away in the garbage, washing my hands afterwards.

"Scumbag Immortal's sister." Eddie mumbles.

"I fucking hate you, Edwin!" I call as I run down the stairs.

"I love you too!" He calls back.


"Give me my fucking sword back, Aleks." I growl.  He runs away, looking behind at me every other second until I can't see him in distance, I run into Eddie's house, right clicking the first chest I see, grabbing flint and iron, making flint and steel.  I leave Eddie's house and run to Aleks'.

"Say goodbye to your shit house, Immortal." I grumble as I run around his house, lighting every other block on his house on fire.

"No!  Kacie!  You fucker!" He yells, I mute myself on the Skype call, listening to every bodies conversation.

"What's going on?" Eddie asks.  Nick laughs hysterically with Steven as they watch and Eddie is utterally confused.

"My own fucking blood just destroyed my house.  I'm done.  God dammit!"

"Stupid Russians..." Steven said, shaking his Minecraft head as he passed Aleks.

"Steven, shut the fuck up." Aleks said as he was generally pissed, nothing new.

"Racist Aleks!" Eddie yells, giggling as he does so.  I run over to his house and light it on fire as he reaches Guam.

"What the fuck!?  What the fuck!" He yells as I run towards Steven's house to hide in.  I'm not going to burn his because I think I can get him on my side, new TFU?  Maybe.

I laugh and laugh until Aleks starts bitching from his room at me. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?  Dammit, Kacie!  You mother fucker!" Aleks screams.

"It's your fault, you douche!" I yell back, trying not to laugh.

"Steven!  New TFU?" I suggest and I can hear him gasp.

"Yes!  Muhahaha.  We will take over Guam together.  We'll just have to wait for Kevin to start planning." Steven plans deviously.

"Fuck no!" Eddie screams and starts chasing me around Guam but failing because I have the ocelot and he has the spider, having him stop to change.  I make a run for it and soon enough I'm out of sight and up a jungle tree.

"Okay, well I guess we'll end it here.  Thank you so much for watching, remember to leave a like and go subscribe to the boy who hasn't spoken barely the whole session making me favor him the most, Sp00n!  See ya later Homies!" Sly finishes and we all stop recording.

"Just going to say this now... Sly, please tell me you have a backup map." Aleks asks desperately.

"Of course, I always have one when Kacie comes on." Eddie giggles.

"Fucker.." I mumble, exiting Minecraft.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Eddie laughs and leaves the Skype call along with the rest of them except for Aleks and I.

"So you're not going on the stupid road trip Jordan and Dan have planned?" Aleks asks, his face scrunched up with annoyance.

"Nope, I don't feel like being screwed over by two idiots."

"I know.  Have to make the fans happy with my pain, right?" Aleks sighs, I laugh at his misery because I know he loves his fans and making them happy.

"I plan on taking a plane alone.  Tell James I said good luck and same to you," I wink and laugh.


HIOSOOOORY I HAVENT UPDATED, I PLAN ON MAKING THIS STORY AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE AND STOOF.   I HOPE YALL ENJOYED.  BIO (im not sure if im going to update for awhile, family issues :/  i'll try my best, love y'all)

My Brother Is Immortal (ImmortalHD, Creatures, And CaptainSparkles FanFic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat