Pirate Rin X Wealthy Reader Pt.2

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Pirate Rin X Wealthy Reader Pt.2

You found yourself standing in a green field, under a beautiful blue sky with few clouds in it. When you looked down at your self, you found that you were really short. You were a little kid again.

Before you knew it, someone grabbed your hand and took off running. The person who took your hand was a little boy with magenta hair and huge smile on his face. The rest of his face was blurred out, so you couldn't see his eyes.

Not caring, you laughed and squeezed the boy's hand. The boy stopped running, grabbed your other hand, and spun you around. You spun and laughed until you were dizzy and collapsed on the ground.

"What's your name?" You asked the boy.

The boy didn't answer, he just layed there, laughing and looking up at the sun.

Suddenly, the sky turned completely red and the clouds turned black. The beautiful field you were in immediately died, the flowers were gone, and you were now laying in a patch of dead grass.

You looked to your left and saw that the boy was no longer next to you. You sat up and heard a crunch behind you. You got to your feet and spun around.

Behind you, you saw the magenta haired boy. The boy was holding was holding up a gun to the man. The man looked absolutely terrified, and was screaming things like "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" and "I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING, JUST PLEASE SPARE ME."

You could hear a faint laugh escape the boy's mouth. You knew what he was about to do and you knew you had to stop it. You ran at the boy, telling him to stop, but it was too late. The boy pulled the trigger and the man fell to the floor. Dead.

You stopped in your tracks and stared at the dead man. When you looked up, the boy was facing you.. with the gun pointed to your head. The boy no longer had a cheerful smile, the smile was now insane.

You slowly put your hands up and slowly began to back away.

"W-What are you-"

Before you could finish your sentence, the boy frowned and pulled the trigger.


You woke up with a start, bolting up in a sitting position. Sweat rolled down your face and you were trembling. You were still in your cell, just you had blankets. Nitori must have come when you were alseep and gave them to you.

"I see you're finally up"

You jerked your head to the left to see Rin sitting on a barrel and watching you.

"R-Rin" you studdered, still a little shaken from the dream. "W-What are you doing here?"

Rin sighed before getting up and walking over to the cell. Pulling out a key from his pocket, he unlocked the cell you were in and walked in.

"Come on" he stated. "You don't have to stay in here anymore."

Grabbing your wrist, Rin pulled you off the ground and pulled you out of the cell. Rin climbed up the ladder to the deck and you followed.

No one was on the ship, absolutely no one. Well, except for Nitori, who was cleaning the deck.

"Rin..." you began. "Where is everyone?"

Rin gave you a confused look until he relized what you ment.

"They're in the water, following the ship" he told you. "Me and Nitori are the only human members of my crew, so we stay on the ship."

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