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"Joey." Ms. Brown called me to her desk

I gave a head nod.

"Go check on her." She mouthed

I bounced up and I walked down the hall to the office. I peaked through the small window on the door and saw London sitting in a chair with a ice pack over her whole face.

I opened the door and sat next to her.

"I think it's suppose to go here." I said grabbing the ice pack from her and placing it on her lip

"I know I just don't want people to see my lip when they walk in." She said looking over at me

"Don't be ashamed Tanya always being a bitch." I said waving it off

Joey can I sit with you at lunch? I don't really have friends and I don't want -"

"No need to explain." I said cutting her off

"I think I'll be fine. Nothing carmex can't fix right?" She said shyly to herself, pulling out a tube of carmex

I laughed a little and waved her up as I walked out.

She followed close behind me as I walked out to the lunch tables. Lunch was already buzzing and we still had 5 minutes left before class was even out.

I showed her to a table that the prodies sat at every day. There was graffiti all over the table and it was mostly made by yours truly.

"Stay here. I'll go get the rest of us." I said jogging off

London POV
I sat at the table reading over some of the words scribbled on the table and bench.

"Why you sitting at Joey table? Are you lost?" Tanya asked making me look down at my hands

"You deaf now?" She asked tapping the table making me flinch from her first hard tap

"No." I said lowly

"Then speak little bitch. Why you sitting at Joey table?!" She asked again just louder catching the attention of people around us

I looked at my hands rolling the ring I had on in circles.

She huffed extremely loud and I got up and left the quad going to retrieve my backpack.

I placed 3 toilet protecters down on the toilet top and sat down. I pulled out my lunch taking a bite of my sandwich, I read the little notes all around the stall. Some were funny so I gave a small giggle and some were just plain mean.

I finished up my lunch, then flushed the toilet protectors down and went to the sink to wash my hands.

I washed my hands for a while hoping the bell would ring. After about 6 minutes of applying soap it rung. I did a small dance and washed my hands off.

I walked out of 6 period kinda early. I said I had to use the restroom but I took my backpack with me so I could leave before everyone else but it seemed that everyone else had that plan too.

I zigged and zagged through people. I saw Joey and was about to walk over until I saw him and that girl Tanya talking.

He didn't look too thrilled but I just pushed past him and went home.

"Ma!" I yelled walking into the house

"Hey London. You hungry?" She asked handing me a bowl of stew

"Yes ma'am." I said taking the bowl in my room

I sat in bed eating then sat my empty bowl on the floor.

I looked around my dull room and cracked the window open, there was a fire escape a pretty big one. I stepped out on to it and heard people talking.

I listened harder and it rhymed... they were rapping.

I threw my leg over the window sill but before I could jump back in...


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