Ivy jolts forward crashing them onto his, and almost immediately that rush of sparks crash through her. It’s like a wave of electrical desire, a sense of wholeness, that’s so great it makes her toes curl and all other thoughts scatter. But the pleasure that comes with it! Oh God, that pleasure.
It’s like a drug for Ivy; every hit just keeps getting better and better. He’s her drug.
Needing more she whimpers for him to deepen their kiss.
Eli’s surprised by her intensity but he’s all for it. He more than happily dives her tongue in her mouth, fighting and winning for dominance. His other hand softly pulls her further forward to give no room for withdrawal. Ivy runs her hand over his cheeks, feeling the hints of grizzly stubble. She loves that-the symbol of masculinity, it’s just so hot.
Soon, Ivy feels herself getting lightheaded and not from the constant flow of pleasure either. She moans against his mouth and gently jerks back a little to remind him of their necessity-air.
Eli reluctantly parts their lips, allowing both to gasp in the much needed oxygen as they gaze at each other. He can’t help the arousal of seeing her all flustered, with red cheeks and breathing heavily. The things he could do to turn those cheeks even redder, to cause her to pant harder...to have her lithe body writhing, begging for release...and then jerking in pleasure, time after time after time...

“Eli...” calls Ivy in a louder whisper.
“Huh? Oh sorry, what?”
“Tonight, am I still coming over for dinner?”
“Yep. I’m cooking. And unlike my twin, I am a good cook,” grins Eli.
“What shall I wear?” smiles back Ivy.

Eli gazes her up and down. Damn that outfit. He’d been too preoccupied last night taking care of her. But she’d definitely been dressed to tease. The crop top thing, shows an inch or two of her smooth, flat stomach, and cupped her small breasts perfectly, showcasing her slim figure. Her shorts are just as enticing as everything else. Although they aren’t tiny, they are shorts and they reveal her slightly tanned, pale legs that have a surprising amount of defined muscle for someone so petite as her. Eli guesses her to be a runner, or something for them to be so long and lean.  Of course, she won’t need to be doing running anymore now that she has him, he smirks to himself. He can give her a great workout and they won’t even have to leave the house.

“Uh...what do you want to wear?” he stumbles out. Eyes just about tearing themselves from her soft looking legs, to her mossy green eyes.
“How about a trash bag?” teases Ivy causing Eli to snap out of his daydreaming of her.
“Baby, you’d look great in anything. But if you’re going for the natural look, just come over naked,” winks Eli. Ivy’s jaw drops and she gives him a half-glare which softens as his mouth pulls into a lop-sided smile.
“But I suppose a dress will do,” he sighs mockingly after.
Ivy rolls her eyes and gives him a kiss on the cheek, “bye Eli.”
“See you later Tinks.”

Eli watches Ivy walking up to the front door, convincing himself it’s partly to make sure she’s okay, but also partly, because he gets to watch those slim legs naturally strut to the door; her hips having that small seductive swing to them. Shit, if she looks half as hot tonight as now, then how is going to go the whole night without once trying to get into her pants?!

Ivy softly knocks on the front door, hoping her mom won’t say anything about her late entrance. She turns around to shoo Eli away just as the door opens. Instead of the scowl or disappointing look she expects to see on her mother’s face; it’s a wide smile and a sly glaze over her eyes.
“Well, if it isn’t my daughter!” announces Dawn, teasing Ivy as she lets her through.
“Morning mom, um, I can explain,” mumbles Ivy hopping out of her shoes.
Dawn can’t help but laugh, “no need. Caroline told me when she came just a few minutes ago to pick up her stuff.”
Ivy blanches. That blonde bimbo’s, really is going to get it now!
“Oh...what-what did she say?” stutters Ivy.
“Just that you spent the night with your boyfriend,” shrugs Dawn.
“Ye-yeah. But we didn’t do anything!-”
“Honey! Stop, I don’t want to know. You’re 22, sweetie, I trust you to know what you’re doing,” chuckles Dawn causing Ivy to go red.
“Thanks mom, but...we honestly didn’t do anything,” Ivy reassures her.
“Okay, well that’s your choice. Now go take a shower and I’ll cook you some brunch-”
“Um, there’s no need. I’ve already ate.”

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