Truth or dare? >:)

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"Hmmm.. What should we do now..." I ask as I lay on the sofa lazily as I stare at Jungkook playing with his phone. "Get your brain thinking.. What should we do.." he says as he looks at me. "Hmm.. Let me search.. Ask Dr. Google." I say as I search what would be some games we could do... "Hmm.. 2 truths and one lie.. Challenges, 20 questions... OH! Let's play TRUTH OR DARE!!" I say as I put on an evil smile. "I'm in." all of them say as we gather around in a circle to play. "Hmm.. Who should start?" I ask as I look around. V oppa raises his arm eagerly waiting for me to call on him like a teacher. "You may start hahaha." I say as I look at him. He smiles as he looks around the circle to see who can pick on. "Okay. New member of the group hahaha. Mina. Truth or dare?" he asks as he looks at me. "Umm.. Dare!" I say as I smile evilly. He smirks as he thinks. "I don't think that was such an intelligent choice.." Jungkook says as he looks at V oppa. "What are dares for then? For people to be scared of when it comes to truth or dare!? No. I need some fun in my life... -.-" I say as I give V oppa the bring-it-on look. "You sure? I'm not going to go easy on you just remember that. HAHAHAH!" he says with a evil grin. "All up for it." I say as I smile widely. "Okay. I dare you to let us dress you as a guy." he says as he smirk. "Hah.. You just wished that for so long... -.- Fine." I say as I put my hand up. "Let's go brothers." he says as he and the rest of them get all over the make up, disguise, etc... -.- Whatever it was.. "I'm actually excited for this :D" I say as smile in excitement. "We're almost done. Just touching up on the last bit." Jungkook says as he does the last touches of their work. "Okay. We're done." he says as he hands me the mirror. I take it as I take a deep breath, and let it out as I hold up my mirror to my eye sight where I can see how I looked as a guy now. "Oooh~ I would totally make a hot guy!" I say as they burst out laughing. "Hey. I'm not joking." I say as I look at them with a serious face. "Yeah. True." Jungkook says as I find myself blushing. "Did we put on too much blush..?" J Hope oppa asks as he looks into my face. "Hahaha. It's fine." I say as I cool down myself. "Or was it you just blushing?" Jungkook asks as he smirks at me. o_o "No.. I think it's the blush >.<" I say as I try to smile a bit. "I'll keep this for a while." I say as I pose for my phone. xD "Narcissistic... -.-" Jungkook says as he rolls his eyes at me. "Yeah right.. -___-" I say as I roll my eyes back at him. "Okay. Truth or dare Jungkook?" I ask as I raise my eyes at him. "I want to do dare, but I know you're going to think of something very evil, so, truth." he says. "Wow. Long explanation.. Okay. Hmmm... Role play. What's your type of girl?" I ask. "Hmm... Some one who's at least 168 cms but shouldn't be taller than me, good at cooking, smart, pretty legs, and the one who's nice. :33" he says with a dreamy look in his eyes. Should say, I am 168 cm, I like to cook, I don't know if I'd say I'm smart & nice, and my legs... Umm... Yeah... "You're basically describing the girl in front of you... -.- Don't flirt in front of me.." J Hope says as he rolls his eyes at me. "Hahah.." I say as I laugh nervously. "No. I'm sure he has one in mind. I am not all the above there." I say as I frown. "Take a look in the mirror after you undo that make up..." Jimin oppa says as he rolls his eyes at me. "But... Jungkook-ie's mine... -.-" he says in a jokingly way. HAHAHA. "Jikook :33" I say with a chuckle. "Well, aren't you curious about my ideal type?" the rest of them asks. "Ummm... Uhh... Sure.." I say as I smile nervously. "Never mind. We know you're not curious. You just like Jungkook. -___-" Jimin oppa says as in disappointment. >.< Did he know!?!? Was I showing it too much!?!? AHHHH!!

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