Chapter 2

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Cayla's pov

When we walked out of the van store Matt walked over to his girlfriend. He Saud something to her but I don't know what. She started crying than ran away. DID HE JUS BREAK UP WITH HER!!! But why they were in such a serious relationship. But at least now I can make a move on him idk how to feel.: ) ;) :(

Matt's pov

I broke up with Emily because our relationship was starting to get boring. We were not going out as much ether. And I think she was cheating on me.

Sky's pov

Me and Hayes went to get food at subway he paid. Idk why wait DOES HE LIKE ME OMG WHAT IF HE DOES. Na he probably doesn't just calm down. Then after that we went to a few stores. And then a movie he paid again I got mad lol. So I paid for the popcorn. We chose a scary movie idk why. But at least I cuddled up next to him the whole movie. AND HE DIDN'T PUSH ME AWAY OMG. When the movie was over we didn't see them inside so we went penny baording. We went to the beach then back because it was starting to get dark. I texted Cayla and told her I'm penny boarding home with Hayes. She said ok then we left. When we got to my house we put our bathing suits on then went in the pool. We asked Shawn if he wanted to come he said yes. So we got in the pool 10 mins later Cayla Matt Shawn came with their bathing suits on. after that all of the magcon boys came. We decided to play truth or dare I was first. Matt truth or dare. Truth he said then we all yelled PUSSY. He didn't care so I asked him if he was a vergin he said no. Oooooooooooooooooo. Then he asked Hayes truth or dare. He Said dare ok I dare u to kiss sky for longer than 10 seconds. His face went pale it was pretty funny. Then he came over to me and we Madeout for like 30 seconds. And cam yelled get a room we all laughed. Hayes asked jack g truth or dare. He said dare ok I dare you to leave a hicky on any player of your choice. He chose Cayla and laughted a little. He sucked on her neck for like 5 mins. Then her neck was all purple and hard. So after every one went we went swiming for a while.

Hayes pov

In the pool I decided to make a move on sky I grabbed her by the waist and whispered wanna play spin the bottle. She said ya then looked at me and smiled we went swimming for a little then started playing. So Cayla spun first and it landed on Carter he smiled and so did she. They kissed for about 10 sec then he spined. It landed on me I was pretty upset by oh well. After that I spun and it landed on Sky score. We kissed for about 1 min this time no one said any thing. We to play truth or dare again. Jack g asked me truth or dare I said dare. He said the best thing ever 7 MIN IN HEAVEN WITH SKY OMG. We went to her room and as soon as I closed and locked the door she attacked me with a kiss then we made out for deffently longer for 7 mins. But we didn't care she texted her sister and then we went to the park. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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