Number 3

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I spend the whole of Math class scribbling PERCABETH in fancy letters all over the back of the worksheet I'm supposedly doing. I'm not the only one. A couple desks over I see another girl drawing big hearts with Percabeth inside of every single one. I smirk. Our school's the best. You'd think that when a hot guy and an equally hot girl come into a school everyone's thoughts would be about breaking them up and dating one or the other. And well, like I've already said, that did happen for the longest of time and there are some people *coughcough Candy coughcough* who still throw themselves at them, but majority of us just think of them as the couple who's going to be forever together. I'm serious. If either of them even dated another person for a day ever, I'll cut off both my arms. They were so sweet together and I for one couldn't imagine them with anyone else. Ever.

"Miss James?" Mrs. Blake taps on my desk. "What exactly are those?" She lets her pen rest on my doodles.

"Um," I stall, my face turning beet red. I look up at her, wearing a guilty expression.

"I suggest you getting back to your work Miss. James." She flips the page over, eyes me, then walks off to tantalize another student.

"Ugh," I mutter, seeing the first problem. It was full of integers and random square roots. And it was made up to be the easiest. "Harrumph."

**********AP English**********

Mr. Rose stands at the front explaining something to do with to-infinitives and bare-infinitives. I confess, nothing stayed in my brain. Then, mercifully, there's s knock on the door. Mr. Rose pauses mid sentence to open it.

In walks the one and only Annabeth Chase.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase. And I had my schedule switched yesterday," she states like its no big deal.

"Welcome, I'm Mr. Rose. Please take a seat." Annabeth does exactly that and sits down in the empty desk beside me. As the teacher starts up again she whispers, "Hey."

I think I'm gonna puke. "Hey," I say, managing to sound cool.

"Can you read anything that he's writing up there?" she asks.

"Yeah, he's going on this whole rant about how different to-infinitive and bare-infinitive verbs are."

She raises her eyebrows. "That's all it says?" She studies the long paragraph on the chalkboard intently.

"Yeah. Do you need glasses or something?"

"Oh no." Her face turns slightly embarrassed. "I've got dyslexia." I look at her bouncing foot. "And ADHD," she continues, following my gaze.

I grin at her. "Seriously? Both Sky and Ty have that exact combination! How weird is it that three people who go to the same school and end up as friends and all three of them have the exact same medical conditions." Then I realize that the last part might be taken as offensive and quickly say,"Sorry didn't mean for it to come out that way."

But Annabeth is smirking. "Don't worry about it. Percy has it too."

My eyes widen and I suddenly feel really, really alone.

So again, more of setting up the plot. I know you're probably sick of me saying sorry for this even though it's only the third chapter. Whoops... Anyways can't say thank you enough to those people who read this. Don't really know who you are but you're the best!! Please, please, please comment/vote. I'd love and appreciate it so much.
PS-what Autumn was doing in math class is literally what I do all day long.

When I Met PercabethOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora