Whatever You Say

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I groaned as pain shot through me, forcing me to open my eyes. Ignoring the pain that ran down my back. I sat up and looked around the room, sighing as I recognized the white rooms and white bed.

"Damn. I hate hospitals."

I turned to the door as I heard it begin to creak open and I smiled as Chris comes through the door, although I could feel my smile slowly melt away as I took in his disheveled form. "I, uh, don't mean to sound rude or anything, but are you alright?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm good. I was just worried about you."

I scrunched my eyebrows together, frowning at the though. "How long was I out?"

"Only two days."

I huffed, blowing my fringe out of my face. "What happened?"

His face darken as he took a seat next to the bed. "The stupid bitch had a knife and she attacked you when your back was turn."

I groaned, flopping back on my back, but silently screaming in pain, quickly turning on my side.

"Idiot. Be careful of your back."

I mumbled curses under my breath, but sighed, feeling my anger ebb away. "What happened to her."

"Bitch got sent to jail. She was tried as an adult, so she's going to be in jail for at least 10 years."

I grinned, then look at him in embarrassment. "I know it's bad to be happy she's in jail, but she was a pain."

He nodded, but his face turned serious. "Bel?"

I turned to him, instantly noticing the change in mood. "Yeah?"

He stood up from the chair and leaned over me, allowing his body to hover over my own as he rested his hands on either side of me. "I realized something through this whole ordeal," he started, his eyes looking to the side, evading my own eyes. "I ... I hate seeing you hurt. In pain. I ... felt so helpless and so weak when I saw what Zara's done to you and ... I realized I ..." he trailed off.

I lifted my hand up, touching his shoulder and he turned to look at me. "I love you, Bel."

I froze, not comprehending what was happening. "Wha-"

"I know we went through a lot," he said, cutting me off. "And I know I'm stupid and I've hurt you so much these past few months, but I ... I like you so, so much."

I opened my mouth, but nothing seemed to come out, my thoughts whirling through my head. Finally, I closed my mouth and shook my head in order to clear my thoughts.

"Ah, Chris," I finally managed to say. "Chris, you don't know how happy I am to hear that." His face lit up, but I shook my head, indicating for him to not say anything. "Even if I am happy though, I ... I just don't know if I still ... like you, you know. I used to like you. Maybe even love you. However, you've hurt me. Mentally and physically. It ... hurt. And it still hurts. To be honest, I might still like you ... but I need time to sort my thoughts out, you know? These months went by ... far to fast for my liking ... and I just need time to gather my thoughts. I'm really confused now and I hate it so much Chris. I-"

He cut my rambling off, placing one of his fingers on my mouth. "Shh. I ... get it Bel. I wasn't expecting for you to be jumping with joy, but you're not totally rejecting me, right? So I'm going to wait as long as it takes for you to say yes. And I'll prove to you that I can be the one."

He smirked as he got off the bed and i frowned, glaring at his arrogant form. "Whatever you say Chris. Whatever you say."

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