•altruism• (jungkook/a)

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one of my friends challenged me to make a story and do an ULTIMATE TWIST THAT WILL BREAK ALL OF YOUR HEARTS

*COUGH* dear irl chingu,


so the only disclaimer....


(story was based on a short film by jamich 'TEXT')

enjoy xx


altruism /ˈaltroˌizəm /
the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

Altruism (Jungkook/Angst)


"Kookie!" As soon as you were out of your trance by the mesmerizing sight of your bedroom filled with red balloons and pink petals, all you could think of was to wrap your arms around your boyfriend tightly, nuzzling on his firm chest while being engulfed by his amazing, familiar scent.

"You didn't have to do all this, Jungkook."

You stared amusingly at your room filled with tens of helium balloons with a prominent "I LOVE U" written boldly on it, amused by how pink they made your entire room that was once dull and boring. Now, even flower petals were scattered all around the wooden floor like a pathway coming from the doorway towards your bed, which were also effortfully made perfect by Jungkook, once again using the plush, colorful petals to form a huge heart.

Two teddy bears caught your eye that were sitting comfortably on your desk that was neatly tidied up, with adorable, pastel name tags hung on their necks.

"Jungkook and (Y/N)?" You read out loud the names written on the small tags, squinting your eyes for a better view, and it made your heart melt as soon as you saw the effort made by the sweetest boyfriend you have ever had.

"Jungkook, this is by far the cutest thing you have ever done."

He blushed at your pleasing reaction, a proud smile plastered on his face as he stared at you, amused by the surprise he prepared for you. Every penny, every sweat that trickled down his body, every second that he planned this sweet treat was so worth it as soon as he saw the look you had on your face. A huge smile, all your teeth showing uncontrollably and leaping slightly in excitement. It was just the perfect reaction he wanted from you, for you to be so happy you couldn't control your emotions.

"Happy Anniversary, jagiya." He couldn't help but hug you on your back as you stared blankly at your room, tightly wrapping his arms around your waist possessively and trailed kisses from your shoulder, to your neck, and to your cheeks. Your hands went straight to his hair and started to brush your fingers against his soft, hazel locks, closing your eyes in delight as you feel his warmth all around you.

"Happy Anniversary." You repeated, turning around to give Jungkook a passionate, well deserved kiss. He couldn't control himself that a smile subconsciously tugged on his lips against yours, making the both of you giggle as your lips lock on each other. You reached for his cheeks and gently stroked it using your thumbs, marveling at the feeling of his smooth skin with no hesitation tasting his sweet, plush lips.

"Thank you for this, I couldn't ask for more." Your fingers swipes his bangs away from his impeccable, doe eyes, pecking him again and again, never getting tired of him against you.

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