Chapter 18

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Author's note:

SURPRISE! I'm back! I'm so sorry that it's been over two years since I updated last. There was just so much going on and then I forgot about Wattpad (I know I know. Shame on me!) and things have been hectic. But anyways I'm going to try and get back on track and finish this story. I wanted to thank all of my followers that read my works from the beginning and all my new followers that just started following me.

I hope you enjoy this new installment of The Days That Came... and tell me what you think. This part is just in Johnathon's POV.


"I seemed to have gotten off on the wrong floor." The elderly woman said. She was clutching her purse in her hand and a cane in the other.

"What floor do you need ma'am?" I asked, offering to press the desired button.

"16th please. Oh you're such a nice boy. I have a granddaughter that is around your age. She's terrific. She's studying to become a doctor." I smiled and pressed the button and stepped back again. The old woman stared at the doors for a second or two and sighed. Then she turned toward me and smiled, while saying,

"I have a granddaughter your age. She's going to become a doctor." I smiled back at her and motioned to Cara behind me,

"That's lovely ma'am, but I already have a girlfriend." Cara's eyes narrowed slightly, and I just winked at her. The elderly woman just "tsk'd" at me and waved a hand.

Just then the doors opened again on the 16th floor and the woman smiled and walked out. After the doors shut, I could feel Cara's eyes on me. I turned around and signed,

'I only said that so she wouldn't try to set me up with her granddaughter.'

'But you could have at least warned me.'

Johnathon's POV:

I stood there with Cara until the doors opened on the top floor. I held out my hand for her to hold but she just walked on by me towards her door. I smiled and walked behind her. I opened the door for her after she unlocked it and once she shut it, I swiveled on my heel in her direction.

'Get dressed to go out. Your best outfit. Do your hair and makeup and meet me downstairs in two hours. I'll be back I promise.' I quickly added on the end when her eyes widened. I wanted to ease her pain and discomfort but with me she's only going to have more. I at least want to take her mind off of the day she had and take her some place nice.

'Where will we be going?' She asked me. I smiled at her.

'Some place grand. I have to go to my hotel and grab some clothes. Remember to dress to the nines.' She nodded and walked by me. I grabbed her arm before she can get too far.

'When I leave I want you to lock all the locks on the door and move a chair under the handle.' She nodded once more and gently took her arm back. I waited until I heard the bath water running before I left. I didn't want to see her in a robe.

As I waited for the elevator to show up I looked at my bank statement again. I can't believe he gave me this much when I haven't even done anything yet. She must be something special to him if he sent me after her and gave me such a bonus. I knew I wanted to get paid but I wasn't expecting this much. I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for the doors to close. I put in my headphones and pressed shuffle in my music app on my phone. River flows in you by Yurima remix started playing. I loved piano music and this just gave it an added boost. I put it on repeat. I turned the volume up on max and closed my eyes briefly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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