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Another pretty dark scene. Sorry guys. /.\ <3


That Friday when they met, Taehyung had informed Jungkook that he had a particularly heavy amount of things to do that day. Before Jungkook could insist that he get them done, and meet him on Monday instead, Taehyung proposed an idea.

"Would you mind maybe coming to my place while I work on it? It might help me to have someone else there," he requested apologetically. It took Jungkook a minute to decide, a little unsure, but eventually he nodded, and they left.

They made their way to his apartment, traveling down roads that Jungkook wasn't quite familiar with. Eventually, Taehyung stopped in front of a certain building, remarking, "This is it."

Jungkook followed Taehyung up to a particular door, and he didn't rush as he unlocked it. When they stepped inside, Jungkook suddenly had a small smile on his face. Everything about this place screamed Taehyung, from the quirky choice of decoration, to the warm, cozy feel of it.

"Mi casa es tu casa," Taehyung chirped warmly, gesturing around the place with a grin plastered on his face. After he was finished pulling his best Vanna White, he flopped down on the gray, fluffy couch, lifting and then dropping a thick stack of papers onto his stomach.

"Whoa. You're grading all those?" Jungkook asked, stunned. Taehyung nodded, a look of disgust on his face. "I won't do them all tonight, but yeah. I teach fifty-some kids, and they all had these packets," he explained bitterly. Jungkook gave him a sympathetic look, joining him on the couch. His companion began to read through the first packet in the stack, and he took the quiet as an opportunity to study and appreciate his surroundings some more.

There were scented candles in more places than he really needed, and a sign on his kitchen counter that read, "If you are reading this, then you are blissfully unaware of what is creeping up behind you." He saw picture frames placed everywhere, many taken with two particular people that Jungkook assumed were his parents. There was one picture in particular sitting a little ways away on a small, white shelf that perked his interest.

It was a picture of a boy, with dark, shaggy hair and a long face and nose, smiling widely so his cheeks were emphasized and you could see his extremely straight, white teeth.

"Hey, Taehyung. Who's that?" he queried curiously, pointing across the room to the picture. The man in question looked up in the direction Jungkook was directing him towards.

Jungkook did not miss the pain that glazed over the elder's eyes when they found the picture he was talking about, and he lowered his arm. "Him?" Taehyung asked with an uncharacteristic solemness, copying Jungkook's point a bit further out into the air so it was certain which one he was talking about.

Jungkook could tell that he was walking on the edge of sensitive ground, and he chose to walk another direction. "No, him," he lied, pointing to a nearby photo of a young, happy, brown haired boy with prominent, vibrant lips that looked very familiar to him.

The darkness seemed to leave Taehyung's eyes. "That's a picture of my older brother when he was little. His name is Seokjin," he told him. Jungkook nodded, searching his mind for where he'd seen that face before.

Taehyung went back to his papers, and Jungkook was left to wonder who that smiling boy was. If it really did hurt Taehyung to think about him, he didn't want to ask. He continued to scan over little details like the fluffy, red pajama pants that had been tossed onto the floor, and the rubber band bound bag of barbecue chips that sat on the kitchen counter. There was a pile of books on the coffee table, and more remotes than Jungkook had ever seen in one place in his life.

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