Just Another Lothario: Chapter 32

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Ambrose downed another bottle of spirits as he stared vehemently out the window. He sat in his office fuming over what happened with Conor not too long ago. He flicked his wrist and sent the empty wine bottle shattering on the wall. He could not believe the audacity that that nitwitted fool had! Placing his advancements on his woman!

"Your woman?" A voice chuckled from the doorway.

Ambrose snapped his head to the door where he found an old, very amused Abraham. He was leaning against the door frame with a wry smirk. Ambrose was furious that he was so lost in his thoughts that he did not even hear Abraham's entrance.

"Do all humans lack manners?!"  Ambrose spat, having nothing else to say.

Abraham rubbed a hand over his weathered face. "I knocked before entering, you simply took too long to answer." Abraham let his eyes wander over at the shattered glass. "And I happened to hear a racket going on in here so I decided for myself to check and see if there was any emergent matter." Abraham strode over to the armchair across from Ambrose's and poured himself a glass of wine on the table. "So what has you in such a foul mood this evening?"

Ambrose silently seethed in rage as he watched the old man drink his precious spirits. "None of your business," he finally bit out.

Abraham merely shrugged as he placed the glass back on the table. "No need to be defensive now, son. I know very well what is going on between you and my daughter."

"Your daughter?!" Ambrose growled.

"Keira," Abraham stated in an obvious tone. "Don't even bother to try and play me a fool, boy. I've had my hunches from the beginning and by the way you act, I am most assured that I am correct." Abraham decided to leave the glass on the table and take a swig from the wine bottle itself. "Aside from my own assumptions, the two of you seem to be the talk of the mill within the castle walls." Abraham felt the need to include, "That you two are mates of course."

"Is the entire country to know of this nonsense?!" Ambrose jumped to his feet. He was truly shocked to hear this bit of news from Abraham. Have people really been talking all this time?

"Aye, and I am well assured that it will spread throughout the rest of the kingdoms. My, my, those poor, young ladies will be absolutely devastated to know that you are no longer on the market; their wishes of wedlock to you is now incinerated." Abraham chortled.

Frederick. That was the only name that milled about in Ambrose's mind. He would have that man's head on a stake for his loose tongue. "I am going to kill that fool!"

Abraham chuckled and motioned for Ambrose to take his seat once more. "Now, now, son, no need for you to be worked up. I only jest."

"You only je-"

"Well, to a certain extent. Frederick is an old friend of mine and he knew that I would want any information dealing with my daughter. He told me of what occurred and how you were able to save her." A somber look took over Abraham's features at the thought of his beloved daughter being so hurt and helpless. He could only imagine how that blow felt for her. It will indeed be far more difficult for her to prove her worth as a guardian from this point on.

"Now don't go fretting about," Abraham remedied as Ambrose looked as if he was about to explode, "I am not here to reprimand you on the treatment of my daughter. What the two of you decide to do with your relationship-"

"There is no relationship! Frederick, the fool himself, stated that the blood transfusion may have given us a connection similar to that of a bond between mates but it will wear off!"

Abraham held his hands up in front of him. "Calm down, son. I will say it again, I do not wish to intervene with you and my daughter's bond," he stated carefully. "What the two of you do about it is not up to me." Thinking that he was done talking, Ambrose slightly relaxed only to tense up again when Abraham continued. "But I will say that you are a complete fool, my boy. A woman like that only graces the Earth once in a blue moon. She is a very special young lady, she deserves happiness.

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