"No way," he beamed.

Carter and Audrey came through the door making Ty smirk.

"Audrey this is Tyson, Aria's boyfriend she was telling you about," Carter introduced.

"Hi nice to meet you," she greeted.

"You too," he smiled down at the blonde haired brown eyed girl.

"Well if you excuse us I have to surprise my girlfriend now," Ty replied.

"What?" I questioned.

"Shh," Ty hushed.

"I don't like being shushed," I protested while he led me to his car.

He chuckled as he held the door open for me.

We drove around for a while until a small building came into view.

"You my love are getting your license today," he smiled.

"What how?" I grinned.

"You just have to go in there and pass a written test," he shrugged.

"Okay," I smiled.


"I passed," I smiled while showing him the paper.

"I told you," he grinned while leading me over to where I have to get my picture taken.

"Arrabella," the lady called.

I went up to the desk, signed my name, and let her take my picture.

After waiting for a while they gave me a piece of paper that would be my license until the card got mailed to me.

"Thank you for doing this Ty," I said on the drive back to the house.

"Anything for you babe," he smirked.

"Carter is going to be so fun to tease," I smiled.

"I feel bad for the poor girl," he nodded.

"He should tell her about werewolves soon though," I added.

"You can't just spring it on someone Ar," he scoffed.

"If it were me I would," I replied.

This made him go into a laughing fit.

"You a wolf," he laughed.

"Jerk," I muttered while punching him in the arm.

"Okay okay," he surrendered.

When we arrived back at the house Carter and Audrey were sitting on the couch. I heard a familiar movie playing but it wasn't until I stepped into the room and saw it that I recognized it.

"You guys are watching Titanic?" I nearly shouted.

Audrey nodded and smiled and Carter gave me a warning glance.

"Carter's watching-," I couldn't finish the sentence because I started laughing. In fact Ty came over to help hold me up.

"Bye Aria," he added.

"Bye dork," I laughed while walking passed him.

"Oh and I am now officially a licensed driver," I gloated.

"Way to go kid," he smiled while holding his hand up for a high five which I gave him as I walked by.

I heard him whisper something to Audrey which made her smile and blush. I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs with Ty.

"He's already turning soft," I smiled while sitting on the bed.

"Mates can do that," Ty chuckled.

"Awe is Ty a softie?" I asked in mocking voice.

"No," he grumbled.

"Yeah right," I scoffed.

"I could go a long time without giving into you," he demanded.

"Fine then let's make a deal," I suggested.

"Let's hear it," he replied.

"I bet you that you can't go all of tomorrow without giving into me," I smirked.

"Deal," he smirked.

"This means you can't do anything you wouldn't have done before you met me," I added.

"Like what?" he questioned.

"Girl movies or anything I want to do," I smiled.

"Also you can't call me any names like princess," I added, that one will get him.

"And if I win?" he questions.

"I'll do whatever you want for an entire day," I smiled.

"Okay, same goes if you win," he grinned.

"Exactly," I stated.

All I can say is tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.


Hey thanks for reading!

So Carter found his mate!!! :D <3

And Ty and Aria's bet ;)

Thank you to all of you that have been voting, commenting, and fanning! <3

Much Love,


Dear Diary, I Have a MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin