41.Walk in Walk out Make up Your Mind.

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Gerards p.o.v

"Gerard?" Mikey asks as I like up the contents of my stomach.

"Yeah?" I ask wiping my mouth.

"I think you need to see a doctor." He says.

"We can afford that?" I say flushing the toliet.

"I know but you need it Gerard you sick." He tell me as I start brushing my teeth.

"It's just the flu." I tell him.

"No it nkt." He grabs my arm as I try to go to my room. "A flu.is a cough a fever. You think I'm stupid I saw you puking yesterday. It was blood." He says.

"I'm fin-" I'm cut off my coughing.

"Come on." He says he drags me down stairs.

"I'm calling franks dad." He says.

"What why?" I ask.

"His dad is a doctor."

"I though he played drums!"

"Yeah well apparently he's a doctor frank told me." He sits me down then gets the house phone and dails frank.

"Hello? Mr.iero. yes um. I was wondering if you could come to my house?........ Gerards sick. He's throwing up. He has a raging fever he's coughing and he was liking blood yesterday...... Thank you soon much...... No that's ojaym ... Yeah you can bring frank." Mikey hangs up. "Hell be over in a few minutes


It looks like Gerard has a parasite." Mr.iero tell me. "Here " he hands perception. "Take these for a few weeks you'll be find. Frank are you staying I need to get home."

"If that's fine with you guys/"

"Of course your always welcome." I smile.

"One question where are your parents boys?"

"Work." I tell him.

"Oh." He leaves. Then there's a knock on the door. I get up to answer it. Why is he here. I collapse. Passing out I hear a bunch of.


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