Emma's P.O.V
I followed the smell of caramel, knowing what it would lead me to. It was getting stronger and I rammed into a shadowy figure. "Ow!" I exclaim, rumbing my injured nose. I sniffed again, disappointed that the smell was gone, but concerned when I realized that I couldn't smell anything.
"I'm so sorry!" The male said, turning to face me. My heart melts as I look into his concerned chocolate eyes.
"No, it was my fault. Looking for my mate, but that plan is ruined. My sense of smell is broken, just like my soul." I mumbled the last part.
"Do you need a hug?" He tilted his head.
"Yeah. Thats sounds good." I agreed. He wrapped his arms around me and my heart exploded. "That's you mate idiot! Mate!" My wolf yelled.
"My name is Jungkook, but you can call me Kookie." He introduced while we still hugging.
"I know who you are. You're Emma, the Beta." He tells me. "And I'm pretty sure that you're my mate." He smiles.
"I knew it was you!" I grin and lay my head on his shoulder. I finally found the one.
Calum's P.O.V
I followed the amazing smell of cinnamon, hoping to find some snacks at this party. I heard somebody groan loudly and looked to see why. "Why do I need a mate! Stop it wolf!" A redhaired girl yells. She looks a couple years older and is beautiful.
"Wolf yelling at you to?" I ask, walking up to her.
"Yeah. She won't leave me alone. Been of age for two years and now my mate decides to show up? I thought he would never come but he's nearby." She laughs sadly, not yet looking at me.
"I'm the mate! Look at me! Come on! I'm right here!" My wolf yells. I sniff again and realize the smell of cinnamon is radiating off her.
"Huh? I don't think so wolfie." I tell my wolf quietly.
"What?" She asks, looking up. Her eyes go wide. "Um. Oh god. My-my wolf says- you are- Calum Hood." She stutters.
"My wolf is telling me that you are my mate." I laugh nervously.
"My wolf says the same. I'm Candice." She held a hand out. "Love your band."
Instead of shaking her hand, I pull her in for a hug. I kiss her cheek and lean to her ear. "Candice is one of the most beautiful names I've heard. It fits you perfectly." I mutter and hold her tight. "I love you already."A/N:
Alright. Only one more band member to go for how he finds his mate. Who do you think he'll end up with? Well, I'll update soon. Love you all. Bye!