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Fixed Chapter 1.
*Jessica's New Name- Aubree *
       -New Character for her too.

Aubree POV

I got up to my alarm clock and stretched before making my way to the bathroom. It's the first day of my sophomore year and I have NO Idea what to wear.
After I got out the shower, I moisturized my skin and put my deodorant on before put on a random bra and panty set.

I looked at the time and I didnt even have enough time to panick. I slipped on some black jeans that were ripped of the knee, and my black pyramod sweater. I straightened my bangs and put the rest of my hair in a bun and laid my baby hairs down before doing my eyebrows and makeup. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and of course apply some lip gloss. It's pretty hot out here in California... But not hotter than New York. I grew sad thinking about my old friends and stuff, I have to visit this summer. I was brought out of my thoughts to a car honking its horn my Nana shouting my name from downstairs. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs giving my Nana a kiss before leaving the house. I got in the front seat and I attempted to get my life together. We stared at each other before she squealed driving off. She's very eager to get to school...

Destiny and I had gotten to school with time to spare so we decided to stop at the store and buy some breakfast before going into school. I happen to bump into Bianca and let's just say it wasn't good. She gave me some dirty look and I did the same while I got myself up.
Bianca and I used to be friends but things happen, but unfortunately I still have to see her on a day to day basis after school. She lives across the street from me and our grandmother's are "good friends." I put that in quotes because my Nana told me the real thing. They're together and their entire lifetime of love from childhood to now. So cute.

I brushed whatever that was off because it doesn't make any sense to start something. Destiny can sometimes be a little intimidated by her because she's like "Big Dog" in the school, yet only a sophomore.

We had gotten to school to see the rest of our group already in our homeroom chatting it up. Besides Destiny and I. there's Jocelyn, Tiffany. We did our little handshake and involved ourselves into the conversation before the bell rung.

Bianca POV

I mentally rolled my eyes as the teacher came in. I was already annoyed and the day just started. My girlfriend is just too much at times, School is back, and I have to go home to see bum ass Aubree. FML!

I had my head down on the desk while I tried to ignore the snickers coming from Aubree and her group of friends. It sucks because she sits right next to me.
"Ms. Blato can you bring your head off the desk?" I sucked my teeth and placed my head on my fist instead while I stared st the teacher. She nodded her head as a thank you and continued on with whatever she had to say....boring. Take me home.
Not even gonna lie she's sexy as hell.

Class had ended and I went to next period to see MY NIGGAS!
My group of friends consist of Nathaniel, Heather, and Bliss besides Me. The bell rung and the jokes began. Lol

Aubree POV

Lunch had came and we had sat at our usual table which was also Bianca and her friend's table. Our group of friends are mixed together, unfortunately my friends just haddd to have relationships with her friends right?? *rolls eyes hella hard*
I put my bag down and got my lunch with the rest of them.

Our table was jumping with jokes but of course Bianca had to be a joy kill. Apparently her girlfriend didn't come to school, so there was no one sitting in between us today. It was weird we kept making eye contact and I wanted to ask 'is there a problem?' But I don't have time for her over dramatic ass.

School was almost over because we all had a free last period. I was watching the clock as if I were watching a makeup tutorial. We had 5 minutes left and school would be done for the day...

The bell rung and I got my purse and found my way to my locker. Putting my books away and carrying the only things I needed.
I found myself standing outside with my friends arguing with Bianca over nothing in particular. She always finds a way to start with me and she be joking around but like NO... I'm not cool with you. We was cool last year but after what she said to me, I lost all respect for her.

She was laughing in my face knowing that my temper is only going to rise, but I closed my eyes and counted to 3 before walking to Destiny's car. I can't wait to be a junior and be able to drive. Yes she's supposed to be a junior, but they lost her sophomore file and she had to re-do the grade over.


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