Chapter 1

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Why am I here?

A person like me...

In rolled at the elitist private school Hope's Peak Academy, a government-funded school which is renowned for educating students that are top of their expertise. The students are given the title of "Ultimate". However, every year the school hosts a raffle in which every average student nation-wide is entered, and a random student is selected to enter the school as the "Ultimate Lucky Student". The ultimate lucky student, being me, Lili Zwingli.

I've always grown up thinking I would never achieve anything... I had no special talent, nor did I make many friends at school. I had been friends with a boy called Ravis (who I kinda had a crush on...) till my brother, Vash Zwingli, chased him away... Which I am still angry at him for doing so... Don't get me wrong though! I love my older brother! I just... Don't like how over protective he is... That and he's popular, bursting with talent and he gets all of our family's money as soon as he turns 16... Leaving me without a penny.

But now... At hopes peak academy... That can all change...

Anyone who goes to hopes peak academy is destined to have a successful life. So, maybe... Just maybe... I won't be a failure! I can prove myself to my family, brother and be someone that people talk about on the hopes peak academy fansite! (Yes, they have a fansite, crazy right?)

There are so many great amazing people going to this school... The best teenager baseball player in America, (and thought to be the best teenage baseball players in the whole world) A swimmer aiming for an Olympic gold medal (who has an obsession with Vegemite?) and so many more talented Young individuals... How do I even fit into the same category as these people?! Their humanity's hopes for a great future... And me?

I am nothing but rich talentless girl who will be penny less and disowned by the time her older brother turns 16.

"Lili? You in there?" Vash called knocking on my door.

"Yes, come in big brother,what is it?" I asked siting up from my desk chair and walking over to join my brother who sat down on my bed.

"Lili... I want you to know that when I turn 16 I-"

"No," I cut him off before he could say anything more. I knew were this conversation was going. We had had it many times. "Big brother, I do not want you to disobey our parents by asking if I may be given some of the families fortune! You know what they will say! What they will do! They would disown you for act of kindness! Big brother you can't help me! They hate me! Ever since I was born they knew I was useless! You have been kind to me all my life telling me encouraging things... telling me that I am worth something... And for that I am thankful... But I do not want you to get disowned because of me..." I mumbled, hanging my head low and looking down at my shoes.

I felt my eyes tear up. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I couldn't show weakness or sorrow in front of big brother. It wouldn't be fair for I know that he has hidden his weakness and sorrow from me for years just so he can keep me happy. It would be unfair to him for me not to do the same... I must try to do the same... I must! But I am not as strong as him, and I will never be. I let a tear fall down my cheek as Vash brings me into a warm hug and comforts me as much as he can.

"Lili... I don't care what our parents say about you... What they say isn't true!" Vash hugged me tighter and stared playing with my hair. "When I turn 16 I will take the money from our parents and Me and you will run away back to Switzerland where they can never find us? Where they can't hurt you. We can have a big house and Natalia and all your friends can come visit whenever they want,"

And then it clicked. I was forgetting something EXTREMELY important.

"NATALIA! I need to say goodbye to Natty!" I pushed Vash away and bolted down the flight of stairs. I dashed into the front room and picked up the keys to the house from the coffee table (just in case my parents decided not to let me in the house and leave me in the pouring rain... Again)and ran as fast could through the rain. I was soaked by the time I got to the local cafe "Cafe Heta" a small cafe ran by a kind hearted man who was well respected in our small town. (In fact people respected him so much they all called him Sir Bonnefoy.) He and his son, Francis, worked at the cafe 9 till 5 (no pun intended) and made mouth watering food. That's where me and Natty met. When I first met my best friend. Other than my brother I had no one who truly cared for me... Until I met her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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