prologue [chase]

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I was running off of pure adrenaline, trying hard not to trip over garbage lids or pieces of trash. The bark of two doberman pinschers had become increasingly louder as they rounded the corner and came closer to my running figure.

I passed by many shops and decided to turn into an alleyway but to no avail, I couldn't lose the dogs. My brain began making decisions for me, and I swung open a rusted door on the side of a large building before slamming it shut behind me. The barking began to get distant and I slid down the door, pushing my large spectacles further up my nose.

Breathing heavily, I looked up at the dingy room I had swerved into and froze at the sight of a few men gathered around a small poker table. A television set blared out quietly next to them as cans of beer were laying flat on the ground.

Without looking, one spoke in a quiet, monotonous tone.

'Looks like they dragged in another one, eh?' Another man threw down his cards and began chuckling.

'I win this round, hand over the bucks.' The rest threw down their dollars and stood up from their seats, stretching their arms and legs.

Completely shocked and frozen in place, I pulled down the sleeves of my stretched out sweater and pushed my glasses up once more, taking in their appearances. The dark lighting was doing me no justice as one of them looked at straight in the eye with a tired expression.

'Stop looking at me with that stupid expression. Get up.' I quickly did as I was told as he approached me, chewing a piece of gum.

'Who the hell are you?'

'I-i-' the words were caught in my mouth and the adrenaline rush made it impossible for me to form coherent words.

'Your name is I? What an odd thing to name your child...' Turning away, he rubbed the nape of his neck before kicking one of the beer cans out of his way.

'Seriously, what's your name?' The man in the back with his hood up spoke next in a slow and lazy style.

'Ji-u...Ch-chun Ji-u-u...' I couldn't stop the stutter from slipping out in fear of this dangerous looking lot.

'Miss Ji-u, do you know where you are?'

All 5 of them stood up, staring at me emotionlessly.

I shook my head to signify no. I hadn't the simplest clue and quite frankly I had wanted to get out.

'Do you believe in the supernatural beings Ji-u? You know, werewolves, vampires, demons, angels...'

Utterly confused as to what they were hinting at, I shook my head once more. 'N-no, sir...I don't believe I do.'

'Well miss Ji-u, welcome to hell.'

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giving this a try, please be gentle



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