Back in 2009

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A/N Wow! Two oneshots is one night/day/whatever you would call this!!! I have random renewed energy and I don't really know why...I did all of my homework and read some fluffy oneshots for inspiration for this fetus phan onset :333 Hope you likee 

Description: Dan wins a contest on Phil's channel to Skype with him (changed the actual story...don't ask me why) and the phan feels are real

Switching between Dans and Phils POV  at different points


Dans POV

"Hey guys! so today I wanted to talk about things I thought were true that are not true...2" Amazingphil's chipper and soothing voice rang throughout my room. I had been watching his videos for a while now, and I have grown even more fond of him.

The way he can talk about the simplest things with the brightest sparkle in his eyes, makes me see the world as a brighter place...the way Phil sees it.

We actually have a lot in common, but I bet that even if we did meet, whatever one in a million chance that would be, I still think he would ignore me and think of me as just a fan...which I was.

Oh...but I wanted to be so much more

I  wanted to be the one that held him when he was scared, I wanted to be the one that rubbed his back while he cried, trusting me to take care of him. I wanted to be the one he said "I love you" to.

But that would never happen...and I just have to live with that.

I break out of my thoughts with a sigh, realizing that I had zoned out and missed most of Phil's new video.

I was about to rewind it when something he said caught my attention.

"As you know from my YouNow broadcast last night, (A/N I know they weren't really on YouNow back then, just roll with it) I am doing another giveaway!" Phil's voice sounded so happy, like he wanted to buy things his fans would truly enjoy and give them away...he was too pure for this world, "but this time I am giving away a Skype call to one lucky winner..."


I am usually not one for entering contests, but I listened to the rules anyway, praying to any and every god that was listening to just give me this.

"All you have to do, is be subscribed to my channel and leave a creative video response to this video on why you think you should win"

Okay...a video response. I can deal with a video response.

I liked the video just for good measure and started setting up my camera. I was going to make a shorter video (I don't want to bore him to death) and leave it un-edited so it can be the first one he sees.

After I set up my camera, I pressed record, and started my video.

Phils POV

I was looking through all the video responses when one caught my eye.


It was a boy, maybe a few years younger than I am, with brown hair cut similar to mine, and dazzling brown eyes that just seemed warm and inviting.

I clicked on his video and waited for it to load.

And when it did the first thing I heard was that voice.


It was like warm honey dripping off of a spoon, melting in your mouth and tingling your senses. It sent a shiver down my spine as I continued watching.

Phan Oneshots (Boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang