more stress, YAY! it's my FAAAAVEORITE!

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Why can't things go right for me? Ever? My brother just got sick. Puking, and my mom is out tonight drinking because her friend is back. I was literally banging my head on the table. People say life sucks. This is when you know you don't have one. When you're the mother.
So here's what happened. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment, but my moms room is the living room. She has a flat screen and a ps3 out there, so my brother sleeps there when my mom isn't home at night. It was about 11:43, and I hear him sit up. I'm in the kitchen on the laptop, right about to re-watch rozen maidens. Our dining table is right next to the entrance of the kitchen which is right next to the living room.
So I turn around only when I hear him say ow. It wasn't what he said, it was the way he said it. If it were a simple 'ow' I would've ignored it. But this was like my cat in the middle of the night when I won't let her in my room. Only instead of meow, it was 'oooooowwwwww' sounding like he was about to cry. As I turned around, he pukes, all over my moms bed. All over her comforter, her sheets all that. Now, I have a strong stomach, but my gag reflex is awful. The smell of acid so strong, I started coughing and gaging as I helped him up.

So basically I'm telling you this because I was planning to update two one shots, but now I gotta take care of him. Sorry!

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