part one

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Reading and writing in the café from open to close didn't seem so bad until I realized I was being watched. The door opens, the bell signaling an arrival, and I look over. A young man sits down at a booth and I watch in hesitation as he sits. His complexion is pale and I feel as though I've caught his attention. His head is tilted towards mine but he wears sunglasses on his nose.

"Olivia, darling, we're going to be closing soon," the owner smiles, my head nodding. I pack up my things and glance over at the booth but he's gone. I suddenly feel uneasy; not knowing how he could have moved so fast and so quietly.

My feet walk down the street and I tug my beanie onto my head more, looking around the street. It's a beautiful night, but I feel weird. And when I see that same man sitting at the bench in front of me, I feel weirder.

Continuing to walk, I pass him and walk closer to my house. Turning down the street, I stop my feet when the man is leaning against the brick wall of a house. I look back and the bench is empty, my confusion and nerves growing.

This can't be real.

I walk down the street quickly, passing the man before I run into my house. I lean against my door and lock it, resting my head back.

When I open my eyes, I immediately open my mouth to scream by the man walks forward and covers my mouth.

"Don't say a word," he says, my chest panting heavily.

"You have to stay silent and not say anything," he whispers, his raspy voice almost soothing but so dangerous. I have no idea what to do.

"I'm going to let you go. If you think about screaming, you'll regret it," he says, my head quickly nodding. Might as well stay quiet.

His hand moves off me and he stands in front of me, my eyes closing tightly. I continue telling myself this isn't real, but I fear the worst when I open my eyes.

"Now, you have to listen to me," he says, my head nodding.

"This isn't the easiest thing to explain but I will try to make it easy," he says, his pale skin cold to the touch as his hand brushes my arm.

"I don't know where I am and I don't know anything around here. All I know is who you are. As weird as that sounds, I woke up and started looking for you," he says, my eyes widening. Now, I'm terrified.

"W-What?" I whisper, scared and nervous around this man.

"Olivia, what did I say? No talking," he says, my breathing hitched in my throat. He asks if I understand and I nod, attempting not to make him angry. His hidden eyes assumingly stay focused on me and I stay pressed against the door, desperately seeking an escape.

"I've been looking for you for years," he says, my eyes closing. I shake my head and I feel his cool fingers beneath my chin.

"Olivia," he says, my fear met as I tremble. I'm horrified; this strange man randomly showing up and then in my house.

"Don't be scared of me. Please," he tells me, my eyes squeezing shut.

"Just go away," I pant out, shaking. I cover my face with my tears falling, my body sliding down to the floor. I curl into a ball on the floor and try to cope with my fear, resulting in silence from the man and crying myself to sleep.

Waking up, I assume to be met with the foyer floor, but I'm lying in my bed. The sun shines through my bedroom window and I hesitantly get up. Walking to the door, I walk down the hall hesitantly and slowly look in every room.

Pans clank together in the kitchen and I walk in, sighing in relief as my mom cooks breakfast.

"Hi O. How was your night?" she asks, coming over to kiss my cheek.

"Weird. I had the strangest dream," I say, her head turning to look at me. I pour myself a cup of coffee and explain to her my dream of the weird man, her eyebrows frowning.

"How strange," she says, my head nodding.

We have coffee and scrambled eggs together, talking about her job. She's just started as an ER nurse and I couldn't be more proud.

"I've got to get going. I'll see you later," she says, kissing the top of my head before she goes. I check the time and head to my first class after I shower and change.

I'm sitting in my literature class when I hear someone sit behind me. I decide not to act upon, considering I'm reading and taking notes majority of the class.

We're excused and I start to pack up my things, my body getting out of my chair. The walk down to the main hall is quick but I stop when I see the man. He's sitting in the lounge and I feel sick to my stomach, deciding to go home instead of staying here.

I rush home and shut my bedroom door behind me, a hand clamping over my mouth yet again. Fear strikes me and I scream into the hand, my body frozen.

"Olivia, let me explain," he says, my chest panting rapidly. "I'll explain what you want to know."

I shut my eyes, wanting this all to go away. He scares me and all I want is him to go away.

"Olivia, you need to calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I want to do," he says, my eyes opening lightly. I slowly turn and he keeps his head tilted to look at me, the sunglasses still on his nose.

"You have to keep quiet," he says, my eyes flickering to every feature of his. His black jeans look worn, his brown curly hair outgrown, and his white shirt rests beneath a jacket.

"Y-You're so cold," I say, his fingers causing my face to still feel cold.

"It comes with the name," he explains, even though I haven't got a clue as to what he's talking about.

"What is it?" I question, his hands shoving into his pockets.

"I'm Harry," he says, my head tilting to look up at him.

My words feel choked in my throat and I still tremble in his presence, unsure of how to approach this. I'm completely in the dark in what I'm doing.

"You have to stay calm, Olivia," he says, my eyes glancing at his hands. I slowly nod and give him a chance, his hands moving up to his face. His long fingers grab hold of his sunglasses and he pulls them off, my eyes widening and I walk backwards.

I don't know what shocks me more. The fact that I'm not shaking anymore or the fact that his eye color is not one a normal human has.

They're bright silver, and lead me to believe the man I'm look at isn't even human.


So this is my new story! It's going to be different from the rest so I hope you like it!


Much Love!! <3 xoxo

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