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   Lots of teenagers and even adults go through this time when they feel insecure, ugly etc. I know I have. I hate the feeling. It sucks to look in the mirror and not love yourself. It sucks thinking that no one can ever love you, because you aren't pretty enough, smart enough, flirty enough, funny enough, so on. And still I struggle with excepting who I am, it's a battle. It's battle that can be won. I think that everyone in this world is beautiful (handsome) and I think everyone can love themselves. Inside and Out. Why would we wanna sit around thinking about all the things we hate, when we could be listing off the things we love... even if we don't see them, we have SO MANY things that are lovable about us. I don't know you personally, or at least I don't think I do, so I can't tell you the specific things that are mind-blowingly awesome about you, but I can tell you that there are a boat load of things to love.

    I have been through a lot and I don't wanna throw a pity party for myself, because I'm not writing this for me, I'm writing this for you. Because again, I don't know you personally, but I love you and  there is a soul mate out there who loves you. And I know that you can love yourself. You have to hold your head high and say "look at me, I'm beautiful, I'm completely lovable, I'm a crazy, crazy Chick or Dude and I LOVE IT!"

    I know I'm not very inspirational, I'm just a teen, I don't know a lot and I might not be able to relate to your feelings, your story, but I can say I'm a teenager and we are emotional, angry, happy, crazy, random, different, unique, totally awesome people. This story, type whatever it is, is completely for you guys... I wanna hear your feelings and your story and if you just wanna talk to me, then I'll listen, if you wanna tell me and have me post it as the next "chapter" I can do that too. Hey, we gotta stick together in this world, we're the future <3

Love, Peace, Self-Acceptance

(If you just wanna talk and not have your story, your feelings etc. posted as the next chapter I will respect that.) I'm just a shoulder to lean on. XD

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