chapter 16

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“Broken Bonds”

Akira leaned forward, her eyes scouting the landscape ahead. The familiar sight of the mountain range with snow covered tops would have made her heart sing at any other time, but not today.

“You sure she’ll be around here?” Redemption thought.

Akira nodded grimly. She didn’t know why, but something inside her seemed to be telling her that they would find who they were searching for around here. It was only moments later when she caught sight of the black shape of a dragon that seemed out of place against the white snow.

Automatically Akira’s hand went to her foot. The knowledge that the dagger she had held before was tucked in her boot safely gave her some comfort. Taking a deep breath she cleared her head and stared at the black dragon that watched them approach, not making a move to leave.

Redemption landed right across from Deception, his paws sinking into the snow. He bared his teeth, not able to suppress a growl as he stared at her. Yet Deception did not even spare him a glance, her attention entirely upon Akira.

Slowly Akira dismounted, her eyes never leaving Deceptions.  Her boots crunched as they landed on the snow. She stood beside Redemption. For a moment she just stared at the black dragon before her, the black dragon whose every existence was her every own fault, the dragon who it was her duty to kill.

Akira’s hand reached back, her fingers closing over the hilt of her sword.

“I’ve been waiting,” as a voice other than Redemption’s spoke in her mind, Akira froze. Her eyes widened in shock. Was it possible that she had just heard none other than Deception?

“I knew you would come,” the same voice continued confirming Akira’s fears. “You could not stay away even if you wanted to. For deep down inside you know I’m the one that is meant to be your dragon, not the weakling standing beside you.”

Redemption growled, showing that he too heard Deception through Akira’s mind.

“You feel it, don’t you?” Deception continued, ignoring Redemption altogether, “The urge that has been building up inside you?”

Akira’s grip tightened on the hilt of her sword.

“The urge to gain more power than ever thought possible…”

Akira slowly unsheathed her sword.

“To be invincible,” Deception did not take her eyes off Akira even once. “You and I, together,” she breathed, “We could make the impossible possible, we could show the Lands a force they have never seen before. We could become unmatched by any other dragon and rider, more powerful than all!”

Akira paused.

“Don’t listen to her!” Redemption warned.

Deception’s eyes snapped towards Redemption, a look of cold hatred in them. He lacks the will to gain the power you crave. He is what is holding you back!” She hissed.

“Do what must be done Akira!” Redemption told his rider firmly.

“Together we would be an unstoppable force!” Deception told Akira as she turned her attention back towards her. “We belong together!”

“Don’t say any more,” Akira said, her eyes filled with conflict as she placed her other hand on her sword hilt to join the first and began to walk forward. She raised her blade, a drop of sweat trickling down the side of her face. Why her hands were suddenly shaking she wasn’t sure. The way Deception calmly watched her unnerved her.

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