"That was really sweet." He admitted.

"I know those are the type of fans that remind me why I do what I do."

Alex said as she favored the tweet.

"So who do you think is gonna win the MIB briefcase this year?"

"Well would it make you happy if I said you?"

Randy nodded.

"Then you."

"Thank you now who do you really think is going to win?"

"That's easy Roman."

Randy nodded.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Randy questioned.

"Well Stephanie and Hunter are throwing me a celebration in the ring....you don't wanna miss that trust me."

"But before that I've decided to have an open challenge."

"Seems fair but we all know that you're not loosing your title."

Alex would've disagreed but how could she? What he said was 100% true and Alex couldn't have said it better.


Bitches know me cause they know that I can rock

Bitches know me because they know that I can rhyme

Bitches know me because they know that I can fuck

Through out the projects.

Even to this day Alex still adored Mindless Self indulgence.

She walked over to the times keeper  area to get herself a mic. She then slid in the ring and taunted the crowd.

"Tonight in honoration of my birthday I'm gonna give those divas a gift of my own. Tonight I'm giving Divas a Chance."

"I'm throwing out an open challenge. Anyone of you ladies can step up and challenge me for this right here right now."

Alex said holding up her title.

"And I know I'm stealing a page out of John's Cena's book but if you want some.... COME GET SOME!!!!!!"

Alex threw the mic out the ring and then waited for her opponent.

It almost seemed like no one was going to show until a familiar theme hit. The audience went ballistic at the appearance of The Boss: Sasha Banks.

"This is going to be a really good match." Michael Cole said from commentary.

"I agree Cole it's going to be Champion Vs Champion." Jerry said.

"My money is in Alex. Sasha doesn't have what it takes to beat her." JBL says d placing his bets.

She strolled down to the ring with her own NXT title and a bright smile on her face. Alex smiled too.

Sasha Banks was an excellent opponent in ways she did remind Alex of AJ whom may be the best opponent Alex has ever faced.

However just like AJ that didn't mean Sasha would have a chance at getting her championship.

Sasha put her title down and Alex gave hers to the referee. He held it up and then Lillian began speaking.

"This match is scheduled for a one fall."

Under My Skin |Dean Fan fic|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon