{13} U N M A S K E D

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{13} U N M A S K E D

Standing underneath a stairwell on Monday morning, Quinn leaned up against the brick wall behind her and gazed out at the crowd of blurred teenagers that were passing through the thickened hallways. Conversations buzzed throughout the air as Quinn let her thick arms wrap around her curvy waist—she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and some jeans along with worn out shoes. She wasn't dressed all that cutely, after all, it was Monday and it had a forty percent chance of rain by lunch. A jacket was in her backpack, which sat down on the ground next to her converse covered shoes. Her blue hair was wild and in dismay around her, but had soft curls that cascaded in front of her features.

Peering down at her shoes for a few moments, Quinn took a deep breath as she wondered how everyone would react when it came to finding out that Gavin Elwood wasn't single anymore and out of anyone that was his girlfriend it was her, Quinn Hunters. One of the loners in school, a quiet artist who was best friends with the varsity football coach's daughter. They would rather have Nita be dating him, keeping him active in their social gatherings, than having someone like Quinn tugging him away from their bonfires they had on the beach an hour from their town and parties in their houses.

She was currently staring at one of the posters off on the side of the wall, not noticing the footsteps that were making their way towards her. She sighed, wanting to feel the comfort of Gavin holding her. For some odd reason, she felt calmer when she was around him—not being around him brought out anxieties that she never thought she had.

It's the bond—Quinn thought to herself, already knowing that was the case. She frowned, before bringing her eyes up and found that Gavin was standing near the edge of the stairwell—his eyes peering out at her. She blushed, knowing that he was watching her, and shifting her feet she rubbed one of her hands against her arm in a nervous manner.

"Hey," Gavin breathed out and she smiled at him, finding the blond boy flickering his eyes down to her lips. Before she could reply to him, she was greeted with him making his way towards her with a steady movement—almost as though he was swift like the rain and before she could blink she found him stopping in front of her.

His hands reached out, and cupping her face in his hands—he allowed his thumbs to brush against the skin of her cheekbones before he flickered his eyes over her features. She felt so vulnerable in his arms, as though he could see all of her faults and decide to end this before it became public.

Instead she was shocked when he gave her a breathtaking smile, one that showed off his sparkling pair of teeth. She managed a smile back at him, although she knew that it would never be considered breath taking in anyone else's eyes but it was enough for Gavin to have amusement settle in his brown irises before he swooped in and pressed his lips against hers in a welcoming manner.

Eyes widening in shock from having his lips against hers, Quinn couldn't help but sigh and smile into his kiss before locking her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her. He chuckled against her lips in response and pushed her back against the wall behind them as though to get one last long kiss before he pulled his lips against hers.

When his lips pulled away from hers he pressed his forehead against hers and brought one of his hands up from cupping her cheek to twirling one of her curls through his finger—as though he was curling her and not her hair. She blushed, her face heated, as he shot her a smothering look that could stop her heart if it intended to.

"H-hey," she finally breathed out, as though she still couldn't believe that this human being in front of her had decided to be with her romantically. The boy in front of her shot her another warm smile as though to say hey to her again.

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