Chapter Two: Liam And Zayn

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"You know if you ever need somebody to talk to I'm right here." Liam said as he placed a cup of tea on the table in front of me.

"That's very nice, Liam. But I'm leaving San Francisco." I said.

"What? You can't just leave. What about all the guys at the station house? The case? Missy can't go on trial without you." Liam said with frustration and sadness.

Darcy and Blake played in the living room next to the dining room. The clatter of Lego was silent but arguing of the two children was subtle. I turned my mind off from my daughters' playing and looked back at Liam.

"How can I stay when all that's here for me is a job and-"

"A daughter, her school, a safe home, Zayn an I agreed that you can stay here as long as you want. I know this is hard on you." Liam interrupted.

I started to cry and put my hand to my face and felt the cold of my wedding ring on my temple. I took my hand off and looked at my ring.

"I just don't think I can make it. I have to face everyone at work. The humiliation." I said with a tear flowing down my cheek.

Zayn walked in the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He walked around the counter top and in the dining room and sat across from me, next to Liam.

"How are ya, Niall babe?" He asked me.

"I'm trying Zayno, I'm trying." I replied.

"Don't worry, mate. It'll be alright." He said reaching over touching my hand.

"Well there's only one problem," Liam said. "If you've got court tonight, what are you going to do about Harry? I mean he's the District Attorney."

"He's right, mate." Zayn exclaimed taking a sip of his coffee.

"That's the least of my worries."

"Well, what ever happens, we'll come with ya tonight. I'll have my mother look after Darcy and Blake." Liam insisted.

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