Peace Love Marching Band!!!

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33) You think of what instruments non-band people would play if they were in band

34) You actually notice the music in movies, and talk about it more than the actual movie

35) You wouldn't mind dating a guy in a kilt

36) You understand the double meaning of "trombones know more positions"

37) You have a music stand in your bedroom

38) You carry your mace around school

39) You wait in line for an amusement park ride and you yell at everyone to "GUIDE!!!"

40) You have a little friend named BOB

41) When you can map out a family tree including every one of your friends.

42) You honestly don't know what you would do if you couldn't hang out in front of the band room.

43) When you try to spell "BAND" in your alphabet soup

44) you think practicing in your bathroom is fun

45) you can eat, drink, and sleep in time.

46) You CAN understand what the drum major is saying

47) When you're bored in class you write out the music that's in your head on your notes.

48) You wear boxer shorts over your pants on Wednesday nights

49) You try to spin your instrument and play your mace.

50) You have a strange obsession with making fun of short blonde people

51) You use the band's special "good luck" handshake with all the other band people in your class before a test

52) You have a metronome & a tuner next to your clock radio

53) you make a list of band rituals and title it "You Know You're A Band Geek When..."

54)when you hear the "old navy-find magic" tv commercials and you crank them up cause you think the music would make a good marching show (yes!)

55)when you rush out to go buy the cd that your marching show is from(oh geez, I did that)

56)your proud of the tanline from your drum harness(oh yeah)

57)you hang out in the "MARCHING BAND" chat room on aol =)

58)you get a drum cadence stuck in your head all day (that's me)

59)looking around your house you see various sheetmusic scattered all about

60)you complain the ESPN should have Drum Corps competitions broadcasted(they should!!)

61) you annoy all your friends by singing your opener all day in class

62) (guard people only) you walk up and down the hallways preforming your show with a pretend flag

63) you get yelled at by your teachers for getting up and dancing to your show in the middle of class (guard people only again)

64) You understand everything on this list!

65) You actually read this and yell out "AND PROUD OF IT!!!"

66) You fight over who's better, drumline or anything. But we all know drumline is.

67) You go around school bragging about what instrument you play.

68) You take marching band seriously.


69 You make fun of the band director insted of other kids!!!


Hi! My Name Is: Band Nerd (Band Jokes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz