Chapter 29

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Kian's POV

My arm is around Jenny, the fan I'm with right now. I look into the phone camera, and when her friend lowers her iPhone, I move my arm.

"Thank you Kian!" Jenny says with a huge smile, adjusting her purple glasses after pushing her red hair behind her ears.

"No problem, thanks for all the support!" I reply.

I watch as Jenny's expression changes from elated to concerned, her gaze not focused on me anymore but something behind me.

I scrunch my eyebrows. "What?" I ask, turning around.

There's Hailey, stomping toward me with an angry look on her face.

Pushing through the crowd of fans around me, my feet take me to her. When she's right I front of me, I ask, "Hailey what's-"

"Kian you son of a-"

My body jerks from the impact of Hailey's hand on my cheek. Shocked by her action, I lift my hand to my face. The pain is much worse than I would've expected.

"How could you do this Kian?!" Hailey questions with a hurt and powerful tone.

"Woah,woah woah...What are you talking about?" I ask her, outing my hands on her shoulders in an effort to calm her down.

She brushes my hands away immediately. "Don't touch me, and you know what I'm fricking talking about Kian." She tells me angrily.

My mind is racing. What the heck is she talking about?

"I know you and Emma are thing now, you don't have to pretend anymore." She spits.

Wait what? I feel my heart race picking up tremendously as the situation continues.

"Kian, I mean, what the hell?! I gave you a second chance, I trusted you!" Hailey screeches, a tear falling down her cheek. "You told me there was nothing going on, you lied right to my face!"

"Hailey, no I-" I try to interject. But she doesn't let me.

"No, you don't get to explain yourself this time Kian. You blew your first chance, and then your second. You're not gonna get a third."

She points to behind her. "Your sweetheart is over there. I hope two love birds are very happy together."

Hailey turns, then adds this to her long angry rant. "And if for some reason it wasn't clear, we're over Kian." And then she storms off.

I just stand there, paralyzed with fear. Did I just lose her? Again?  Forgetting that I'm surrounded by so many fans, I start to cry.

This can't be happening. Hailey's my girlfriend, I love her more than anything. I need her, she can't just disappear from my life.

A hand is placed in my shoulder, and my turn my head to see Jenny looking sympathetically at me.

"Did you actually cheat on Hailey, Kian?" She asks me.

"No!!" I reply immediately. "I would never do that, I love her!"

With a small smile, Jenny answers "I had a feeling you didn't. I also have a feeling you don't really want people knowing about this, huh?"

I nod at her urgently, and begin to babble. "Yeah please don't let this get out. I don't even know what's going on, so I don't want other people to make assumptions about anything or-"

Jenny places her hand on my shoulder. "I know what your saying. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She assures me with a caring smile and and kind look in her eyes.

Grateful, I quickly give her a hug. You're the best, Jenny. Thank you."

Ignoring the other girls chasing and yelling at me, I run off.

I feel bad that I'm leaving without saying hi to so many fans, but I need to get to Hailey.

As I run off, the only thing in my mind is the fact that my whole plan was messed up. Today was supposed to be great, and tomorrow, well, I was gonna change each of our lives forever.

I've done nothing wrong, but Hailey won't listen. And now she's lost my trust, again.

I have to win her back. And this time, the outcome of the rest of our lives depends on it.

Okay so all this just showed up so yeah here's the chapter :p

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