“That’s not fun for me.”

            “Malikai please.” I said and he sighed but nodded.

            “Hey Night-Ian when am I ever going to see Day-Ian again?” Malikai asked and I paused in my track as I thought about Dian. He was breaking. I didn’t know how much of him was left. I didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to hold on to life or sanity. I licked my lip and turned to face Malikai again.

            “I don’t know.” I answered truthfully and he frowned. I knew that Malikai was Day-Ian’s friend but I didn’t think that he would have cared what Ian had the body so long as he was allowed to be around Ian.

            “If you see him will you ask him if we can hang out sometime?” he said and I sighed because in the state that Dian was in it would be months until he was himself again. If I didn’t get the door to shut soon he might never come back to us. Dian could stay broken like he is forever or even worst he could disappear. There is no need for him if he can’t do the one thing that he was made to do. The body rejects what it doesn’t needs. If it doesn’t need Dian then he will be rejected from it.

            “I will tell him.” I said and Malikai smiled.

            “Not that I don’t like hanging around you as well. It’s just that Dian and I have been friends since forever.” He said and I laughed a bit because Malikai might be the only person that would have cared enough to ask for Dian. He was the only person that cared if any of us had the body. I walked away from my friend. From Dian’s friend going to the bus stop.

            I took out my cellphone making a call again. Calling Mischa again and yet again I received no answer from her. I was getting worried about her. Why wasn’t she answering my calls? If her crazy ass sister so much as laid a finger on her I will slaughter her. I licked my lips tasting the sourness of iron in my mouth. I needed blood and the thought of slaughtering someone only reminded me that I had been in control of the body for days now and had yet to feed my need. To take my drug.

            I would worry about that after I found my Mischa. Right now the only thing that matter to me was making it to my angel. I went to her house seeing that all the lights were off. I swore as I remembered again that I didn’t have a weapon on me but I wasn’t listening to logic right now. I was driven by a need I never felt before. I was overcome by an overwhelming need to see Mischa. I knew that it was Maya that stabbed me now. That it was Maya that drugged me but I needed to kiss Mischa again to make sure. I needed to make sure that what I felt the first time we kissed was true. I needed to make sure that Mischa was really my evil angel.

            I knocked on the door and then rung the bell but no one answered. I looked around behind me on the street before I picked the lock to the house and slipped inside. It was dark in the house and cold as if not a soul was home. I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed one of the knives that were in there. I needed something to keep myself safe in case Maya decided to attack me again. This time I would be ready for her. This time I wouldn’t give her the change to attack me.

            I went up the stairs as silent as I could I walked through the house. I saw the door that was to the play room and I was tempted to go inside but I turned from it and went to Mischa’s room instead. I cracked the door open and came in. I walked over to the bed and it was empty. Where the hell was Mischa? I tapped the blade to my chin as I wondered if she just hasn’t made it home yet or if she was hiding from me or something. But what reason did she have to hide from me. The last time we saw each other I thought that it went very well.

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