Chapter 40

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Chapter Forty

I woke with a scream and covered my mouth with my hand quickly hoping nobody heard me. Dakota rushed in with a tank top and her grey sweats on.

"What happened?" She was panting as if she had ran to my room.

"I had this bad dream that I was pregnant." I pulled the covers off of my body and sat on the edge of the bed. Dakota came and sat by me and placed her hand on my knee.

"Falyn, that wasn't a dream. You are pregnant." I looked up at her face and I grabbed my stomach and covered my mouth. I made a mad dash for the toilet. I threw anything and everything up. I flushed the toilet, closed the lid, and sat on it. I looked over at the counter and there it was. The pregnancy test. I grabbed it and looked at the positive sign. I felt it all come back to me and lifted the lid of the toilet, and threw up what was left, once again. I brushed my teeth and walked out to the living room where I had heard Dakota fiddling around and plopped down on the couch.

"How am I suppose to tell Harry?" I looked at her while she was looking through our bills on the counter. "I don't know but he'll be over soon and so will Niall." My eyes widened. I ran to my bathroom, took a shower, got out and got dressed and french braided my hair and I was fully done in 30 minutes. I looked normal as ever. Little make up, hair done, shorts, and a tank covered with a cardigan. Dakota had gotten ready while I was in the shower. I heard a knock at the door and I slid across the floor in my socks over to it. I took in a deep breath and opened it. Niall and Harry stood there smiling ear to ear and I let them in.

"Thirsty?" I asked them when they sat down on our couch. They shook their heads. "Hungry?" Niall yelled, "YES!" And ran into the kitchen. I figured he would be hungry, even if it was only 10 in the morning. I moved out of his way and sat down on the couch opposite of Harry. Harry furrowed his eyebrows towards me and got out of his place and sat down next to me.

"Do you feel any better love?" Harry looked at my face and I kept my eyes set on the glass table in front of me and replied, "Yeah." I knew that he could tell there was something wrong but I didn't make eye contact with him at all.

"What's up?" Harry asked. I looked at him as he sat up and back next to me on the couch. "Well, there's the sky and birds-" I got cut off by Harry. "You know what I mean, tell me what's wrong." I looked past him for Dakota to come save me but all I saw was Niall sitting on the counter, chomping down on chips.

"I need to tell-" I saw Dakota walk into the kitchen, so I jumped up. I walked into the kitchen after her and I heard Harry follow after me. I opened our refrigerator and Dakota was beside me grabbing a glass. I grabbed a pitcher of sweet tea and kept the door open as I was pouring the tea in the cups. I whispered to her, "Harry knows there's something wrong." She looked at me and I looked up to her face. I felt the cold tea splash on my feet and looked at the counter. "Shit." I blurted out and put the pitcher back into the fridge. I had over filled the cups and now I had a mess to clean up. Dakota and I grabbed some towels and we soaked up the spill.

"Is everything okay?" Harry came around the island and looked at us cleaning up the mess. "Yeah, I spilt some tea." I threw my hands up and grunted. Harry came over to us and said, "It's okay, I got it." He started to soak up the tea and motioned us to go sit down. Dakota took the bag of chips from Niall and he followed after her because she had two things that he wanted. Herself and those chips. Their love for food was scary, but that's what made them so perfect. They had ALOT in common. Favorite food, color, number, artist, and all that cheesy lovey dovey crap. I sat on the couch, slipping the wet socks off my feet and turned on the TV.

I flipped through the channels and decided on the news. I heard a lady reporter talk about a car crash and then they switched to the weather. Harry walked in wiping his hands on his pants because he had washed them, they probably got sticky from the tea. I flashed a little smile at him and he sat down next to me and took my hand in his. I looked in his eyes and they were always so beaming green and pretty, I would always lose my thoughts when I looked into them. He pulled my legs up on his lap and started to massage my feet and it felt so good. The little things he does, means the most to me. I looked across from us and Dakota and Niall were throwing food into the others mouth and giggling.

"Y'all are just too darn cute!" They both looked up at me when I said this and both blushed. I giggled and they went back to being silly. Harry was about to put me to sleep, but then I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I came back out and Dakota just looked at me as I stood there, the look in her eyes told me that it was time. "Harry, do you want to take a walk. I think it would make me feel better." He changed his focus from the TV to me and nodded. I went and got a pair of converse on and I left my phone and everything else there, no distractions.

So. I'm one of those people who spills drinks like allll the time.

I'm such a dork.

She's gonna tell Harry guysss

It's timeeeeee


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